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Do I require permissions to run SPServices on Sharepoint?

I require assistance with Sharepoint. I've tried multiple ways to retrieve data from a list and have had little to no success, after much reading and searching I'm still no further ahead. I am using ...
mcv's user avatar
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How to Read SP list into javascript - SPServices.SPGetListItemsJson returns key value pairs which do not belong to dataset

Environment: SharePoint 2010 jquery-1.12.3.min jquery.SPServices-2014.02.min Trying to use SPSerivces method to read a SP list into javascript. When reviewing the final output I have the ...
mcv's user avatar
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SPServices get User ID of a user using SPServices

How can I get Userid of a user based on his account name or email using SPServices I checked here but ...
MJ X's user avatar
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SPServices getlistitems not all attributes are in responseXML

I have a section of my code where I am retrieving a list item using SPServices GetListItems. When pulling back the data for use I a missing one of my fields which I need for the display to work ...
David Coutts's user avatar
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Fetch the Comments of OOTB Approval workflow in SP 2010 - using SPServices or JSOM

I created a SPList in SP 2010 on-prem platform, where 4 OOTB APPROVAL 2010 workflows have been created and running. Now, because of Auditing process, customer wants information of each and every items'...
samolpp2's user avatar
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Getting max ID of a list using SPServices

I have seen a lot of questions asking how to get the latest ID in a SharePoint list, but all answers suggest simply querying the last item and using its ID as maximum ID. However, the problem with ...
LaDuelo's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010 SPServices and GetListItem Problems with Adding New List Item

I'm using SharePoint 2010, SPServices and the GetListItems method to retrieve items from a list. The list has 31 categories such as A2, A3, A4... until A32. There are also sub categories such as, A2.1,...
Ravi303Zale's user avatar
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Does Web application service needs to be running on a server where central admin is hosted?

In SharePoint 2010 environment, does Web application service needs to be running on a server where central admin is hosted?
Achiever SP's user avatar
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SPCascadeDropdowns - Works for all items, except one - has got me puzzled

I've been using SPCascadeDropdowns for several years and have not had any issues...until now and it has got me puzzled. Here's the setup:   SP 2010 Enterprise   jquery-1.8.3  ...
billyjimjack's user avatar
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SPServices - Local and offline

I'm using SPServices in my web applications deployed in Sharepoint and viewed through a content editor webpart. This SharePoint solution is not possible for me to access without VPN, so I'm regularly ...
Anders Gerner's user avatar
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How to increase performance of GetListItems SPService

I have two lists each containing around 4k records. First thing am doing is getting each record ID value from the first list and comparing it to the second list, if that particular ID exists in the ...
Dheeraj's user avatar
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Query List with Geq Today Condition using CAML/SPServices

So I'm using CMAL and SPServices to query a custom Events List to an HTML table. It works just fine with just a SortBy tag with the following code: function getEventList() { var method = "...
Akhmad Agosto's user avatar
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Using SPServices to get Choice Column options

I would like to create a custom modal that has the same drop down items that are contained in the choice column when adding a new item. My page is a custom .html and does not load the default ...
JA1's user avatar
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SPServices SPCascade not working in Chrome

I am using SPServices (Version : 0.6.2) with jQuery version v1.6.4 in SharePoint 2010 environment. I am using SPCascadeDropdown function to bind dropdown. It works well in Internet Explorer and ...
404's user avatar
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How to access custom property from User Profile using jquery

Environment : SP 2010 I have a custom property in User Profile called CompanyCode. I need to fetch this property using javascript/jquery in a master page. Can anyone let me know how to fetch custom ...
Gaurravs's user avatar
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SPServices $().SPServices.SPFindPeoplePicker not working for required field

I am using SharePoint 2010 and SPServices to get values from people picker in custom field. It is working fine but not fetching data for required fields. can anyone help me with this. var PP = $()....
Rahul Dayal's user avatar
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2010 - Cascaded DropDown doesn't work with SPServices

I want to use SPServices to get cascaded dropdowns. A first dropdown menu will include, depending on the first choice, the choices of the second dropdown menu. I have 3 lists. The first one is a ...
Slabre's user avatar
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SPServices - open "view item" modal

NOTE: I'm begginer in SharePoint! Ok so my situation is like that: I have a list of Users, with multiple fields. For example there are fields like: Name, Title, Office, Phone and Email. Pretty ...
susanoo's user avatar
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Create List item Sharepoint 2010 REST with Choice column

I am trying to create one new list item in Sharepoint 2010 using REST. Coding var itemProperties = { 'Title': ;Raja;, //Single line String 'Expiry_x0020‌​_Date': "02/02/2016", //Date '...
Thirusanguraja Venkatesan's user avatar
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Extract Email ID, Mobile phone, sipaddress ,other attributes from PeoplePicker Field in SP 2010 CustomList NewForm

After referring this article from Marc, and Here am able to get/perform the null check for peoplepicker entries in my custom newform of my SPList within SP Designer 2010. But, how to retrieve other ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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Color coded Calendar is not working as expected

I have used the below code to color code for my calendar in my SP 2010 site'shome.aspxpage within aContent Editor Web Part`. But somehow, no color been added when I create a new item in the calendar ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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Issue in Generating Charts using Google Charts and SPServices and jQuery against SPList in SP 2010

I was trying to generate a line chart connecting to SPList as shown below. But am getting the error undefined here: alert(' inside completfunc xdata.responsexml is .....'+ xData.responseXML....
samolpp2's user avatar
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Why won't StratusForms Submit an Update

My project is running an update batch Command via SPServices and I am getting error 0x80020005 in return, but I can't seem to figure out what field or value is throwing the error, so I'm hoping ...
bgmCoder's user avatar
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Discover whether user is a member of an AD group via jquery [duplicate]

Using jquery and/or spservices, how can I know whether the current user is a member of an AD group? I have found this, but I think it only checks for membership in a Sharepoint group.
bgmCoder's user avatar
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.find().filternode().each() v/s .find().each()

I came across a lot of articles and discussions by Marc D Anderson and Steve Workman regarding performance gains using .filternode(). I also read an article by Steve Workman I also tried to ...
Yash Saraiya's user avatar
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Is There A Way to Determine if More Than One Option in Custom Dropdown Field?

I have a custom dropdown choice field that is created using jQuery after a date is selected and a choice box is selected as "Yes." Here is that function: function queryEvents(date){ $('#...
Caola's user avatar
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Cross Domain SPServices

I have two SharePoint web apps site1.spnet.local and site2.spnet.local. Im looking to make some cross domain spservices requests using a reverse proxy. The reverse proxy appears to be transforming ...
dmce's user avatar
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Add or Remove List Item Permissions Without a Workflow

I have a list in SharePoint 2010 that has custom SharePoint forms built for different situations depending on an approval process where each item is approved by two different people. Once the item is ...
Caola's user avatar
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Help with RemoveUserFromGroup using SPServices

I am using SPServices to list out each permission group and then under each group, each user is listed out. Next to the user, there is a button that will be used to remove that user (and later, ...
Caola's user avatar
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Retrieve SP-List data cross domain via SPServices?

I am trying to retrieve data from a SharePoint List hosted in a different server/domain. We are still running SP 2010 but about to migrate to 2013. I am not sure if jQuery.SPServices and CORS are the ...
Wulf Stemmer's user avatar
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How many different ways are there to name fields in SharePoint?

In working with SharePoint and spServices, I've run into many different ways of naming fields that depends on what you're trying to do. What are these naming schemes called? Let's say in SharePoint ...
FrobberOfBits's user avatar
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Element "Query" is invalid (GetListItems)

I'm calling GetListItems via spservices, and specifying the CAMLQuery field to be the following value: <Where> <Or> <Contains><FieldRef Name='ows_Title'/><Value Type='...
FrobberOfBits's user avatar
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GetListItems on document library not returning items within folders

I'm using SPServices to run a GetListItems query on a particular document library. This is in implementing a custom metadata-driven search for lists/libraries. In cases when the document library ...
FrobberOfBits's user avatar
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How to get user account name by display name

In Sharepoint 2010 I am getting display name of the user with SPServices like 11;#John, Kondo. But I want account name like mydomain\aa2311. Is there any way to get the account name with the display ...
Mihir's user avatar
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Filtering list view based on querystring using jQuery?

Using Sharepoint 2010 Content Editor Web Parts (some links dynamically created) List View Web Part Ability to add additional software or packages to the system extremely limited (so would prefer ...
totl's user avatar
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CAML Query not limiting rows

I'm using the SPServices GetListItems function to pull entries from a calendar list. All of the information is being retreived without any issues. However the RowLimit is not restricting the number of ...
Jason's user avatar
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SP2010 - How to set URL for GetRatingOnUrl method?

I'm trying to get the ratings for a list item in a custom list, using the GetRatingOnUrl method. List is rating enabled. I'm accessing this method via the SPServices jquery library. I'm not sure how ...
PurpleShadow's user avatar
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CAML query on external list not looking beyond ECT filter limit

I have an external list which is tied to an external content type. The external content type is tied to a SQL table with about 3000 records. I have set up a Read Item operation, and a Read List ...
Alan M's user avatar
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Get user ID from display name?

My users need a feature which will replace all instances of someone's name (assuming he/she is fired) with someone else. I use SPService's UpdateMultipleListItems action which works fine, but for ...
Dinerdo's user avatar
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Using UpdateListItems for multiple items?

I would like to use UpdateListItems or something similar to allow my users to pass in some variable (e.g., a name) so I can use a caml query to find all items where SomeUserField = 'John B Smith' and ...
Dinerdo's user avatar
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Retrieve current site name (not url) programmatically?

I want to create a code that only generates a link for certain users in a group, but this group name changes across the many subsites that my users have. The group name = [Site Title] + ' Creators' (e....
Dinerdo's user avatar
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"like" button in SharePoint 2010

I have a subsite in SharePoint 2010 forum type and I need to add a button "like" next to the "comment" button. I searched the internet for a way to do this with spservices, though I just found in ...
luanna.iozzi's user avatar
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Issue with CopyIntoItems (SPServices) - only copy certain fields?

I am using SPServices's implementation of CopyIntoItems the following way: $().SPServices({ operation: "GetItem", Url: itemurl, async: false, ...
user3299197's user avatar
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Best way to implement ".exists"-type functionality to prevent duplicates?

I'm moving files with spservices (the jquery plugin) and was wondering if there was a good way to check to see if a file with the same name already exists so I can append an underscore or something ...
user3299197's user avatar
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Use CAML query based on ID to retrieve a file name?

With jquery and spservices, I use getSelectedItems to retrieve the IDs of a few documents. Can I have a loop which goes through a caml query for each of those IDs to retrieve the file name (...
user3299197's user avatar
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Proper way to check for failed SPServices call?

I'm running a SharePoint method with SPServices that should copy several items. I just noticed that the return value is "Success" even when I've specified an invalid location and nothing has actually ...
user3299197's user avatar
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How to store "stream" and "fields" paramters properly

I'm trying to use the GetItem method to use for copying documents, but I'm not having luck with the field or stream parameters. Below is an example of how I attempted to store each of them. When I ...
user3299197's user avatar
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SPServices retrieving Rich Text Values

I am currently using SharePoint 2010 and SPServices.js. I am able to retrieve and update the value via SPServices when using regular HTML and ASP.NET server control values using SPServices.js and ...
Darren's user avatar
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How to use SPServices search sql query - getting malformed query

I am using the SPServices javascript library to make a search request to sharepoint 2010 search. I am trying this query: queryText = "<QueryPacket xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search.Query' Revision='1000'...
omega's user avatar
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SharePoint SPServices autocomplete not working for a column

I have a working jQuery SPServices code for a column Description in a list. The problem is, that when I try to get the data from another column, Project Item, with the same code, nothing happens. Also,...
dzookatz's user avatar
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