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Questions tagged [spfx-extensions]

SharePoint Framework Extensions let developers extend the user experience of SharePoint, providing ways to customize more facets of the SharePoint experience including notification areas, the toolbars of SharePoint, and the views of list data.

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1 vote
1 answer

How to inject custom CSS in Modern Site Pages using SPFx Extensions

I would like to inject Custom css in modern site pages. Here i need to change all the fonts on the modern site and i would like to achieve this via App Customizer with SPFx Extensions. Any tips Or ...
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1 answer

TSC errors when running gulp serve

I am trying to use typescript in a sharepoint project and the botframework using the botframework-webchat library. when I do that it gives me all these errors: 17:03:42] Error - [tsc] node_modules/...
1 vote
1 answer

using SP.UI.Modaldialog.showDialog(options); in spfx listview extension is executing but no dialog is visible

Hi I'm trying to open sharepoint dialog using spfx extension in which using typing able to get the SP.UI.ModalDialog Object in ts file of the extension. And the code # SP.UI.ModalDialog....
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1 answer

SPFx "Command Set" that displays a dialog box or panel containing a "people picker" control

I'm new to working with SPFx extensions. Requirement is create a SPFx "Command Set", that on click displays some sort of dialog box or panel containing a "people picker" control within it. I've ...
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1 answer

WebParts keep loading untill I scroll down the page or perform a zoom

environment:SharePoint online;Sharepoint Framework; Programming languages:TypeScript During page loading, sharepoint custom web part keeps on loading Nothing does change untill I scroll down the ...
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1 answer

OAuth authentication for SPFx solutions

I am challenged by a SPFx based solution (WebPart as well as Commandbar-Extension). I have a set of APIs which are secured by OAuth. There is a dedicated authentication server, so I can't just use ...
2 votes
1 answer

SPFX: How to debug an application customizer extension

I am new to spfx and have to write an application customizer that changes the key of a query in the url. I have already implemtend this functionality and now want to test/debug. When I run gulp serve, ...
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1 answer

How to add bootstrap to spfx extension

I am building SPFx extension for the first time, I am little unsure how to add bootstrap to extension and I am creating dropdown. Basically it goes out of the frame. BreadNav.tsx import * as React ...
8 votes
1 answer

Detect navigation change in SPFX Application customizer

I have a SPFX customizer that displays a banner in the topPlaceholder. When the page loads, if it's a list, then it performs a calculation and then displays the banner. When I move from one library ...
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0 answers

Render javascript inside DOM element in SPFX extension

I have a JS script which i would like to render in DOM element, where when page loads the modal dialog popup will appear. I am not sure on how to achieve this. <link rel="stylesheet" href=...
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1 answer

How to load the custom CSS in SPFx Extension before the page load?

We are loading a custom CSS using SPComponentLoader in SPFx Extension to apply these styles in header. But while the page loads, the UI is not coming properly as the Custom CSS loads after the Page ...
1 vote
1 answer

SPFx CommandBar buttons and Context Menu are not working with Microsoft List look and feel in SharePoint Online site

We have SPFx commandBar buttons and context menu deployed in the SharePoint Online site developed using SPFx solution. We have deployed them in site under site app catalog and CDN is also implemented. ...
2 votes
1 answer

SPFX get shared document URL by language

I want to get the document folder path url by selected language. For etc. English - Shared%20Documents German - Freigegebene%20Dokumente So, how do we get Shared documents path according to selected ...
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0 answers

React Mega Menu Spfx Extension

I have already running spfx extension for global navigation using term store, but there are two things i was looking to achieve. I have implemented the commandBar where it shows the default view from ...
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1 answer

SPFX extension can't be loaded: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')

I am developing a SPFx extension that will be deployed on the SharePoint online site. I used pnpm to install the dependency, but my colleague used npm, and he reported to me that the gulp serve after ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can I add more than one SPFX extension - Application Customizer in one solution?

I am trying to add more than one SPFX extension in my solution (Application customizer in this case - one for header another for footer) but after deployment I only see one extension in my site. Am I ...
1 vote
3 answers

SharePoint online modern experience hide suiteBar, left navigation and top ribbon using SPFX showing it for few second then its hide

I am hiding suiteBar, left navigation and top ribbon using SPFX extension but for few second its showing up. I don't want to show it for few second also. I tried to hide it from master page alternate ...
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1 answer

Extension working in layout pages but no longer working anywhere else

I've developped a custom Extension with SPFX. This custom extension performs a Search. I deployed it. Everything worked totally fine during 6 months. And now, out of the blue, my extension is only ...
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2 answers

Display Rich Text in SharePoint Online

I am trying to display the rich text in a list item . I tried using the JSON formating, but it does not seem to have any support for "Enhanced rich text". The txtcontent converts the rich text to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Adding event listener to a DynamicForm field

I have a form customizer project that uses typescript and react. I have a choice field which renders as a dropdown and one of the choices is to leave a comment. If the user selects the 'leave a ...
0 votes
2 answers

add a custom button Doclib-ribbon SharePoint Online

I would like to add a custom button on the default Document Library Ribbon. You know, like next to 'new','share','automate','myCostumBtn' Any of you guys a good suggestion?
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3 answers

jQuery is not defined in SPFx extension

I have created SPFx extension (not a webpart, in case it makes any difference) and trying to add jQuery but its not doing it. I have installed it into package with npm install --save @types/jquery ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to Load CSS from the style library using SPFx Extension

I want to load the CSS file from Style Library of the site. I have created the SPFx extension of type Application Customizer. The purpose of the CSS loading is to change the UI of the web parts. I ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the correct way to create a custom action using REST API in SharePoint Online?

I'm trying to use Microsoft Flow and the Send an HTTP request to SharePoint action to deploy an SPFx application customizer to a modern team site. I'm able to use the /_api/Site/UserCustomActions ...
1 vote
2 answers

SharePoint Online modern Footer created using SPFx Extension Application Customizer is freeze at the bottom of screen. How to place at bottom of page?

We are creating a custom footer though SPFx Application Customizer for modern sharepoint pages. But our requirement on the Footer is to show the footer with a increased height. Once we deployed the ...
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0 answers

SPFX React - How to update my breadcrumb application extension?

I have a component that is looking at the web + page context to generate a new breadcrumb. This works well except that it keeps re-adding the entire component after each page navigatedEvent. I've ...
2 votes
1 answer

SharePoint Online Custom modern page Footer using Application Customizer

We are creating a custom footer though SPFx Application Customizer for modern sharepoint pages. But our requirement on the Footer is to show the footer with a increased height. Once we deployed the ...
1 vote
1 answer

SPFx ContextualMenu with submenu

I'm creating an SPFx Extension. I currently have three commands and I want to group them into a submenu, but I'm unsure of how to add them. Here is my code for reference (I removed logic from some ...
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0 answers

SPFx Azure Data Table - Error when generating SAS token

I’m developing a SPFx application customizer. One of the requirements is to connect to Azure Data Table to retrieve a list of all entities. I’m trying to generate a SAS token in my SPFx extension code ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the license for the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)?

I am working on a project that involves the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) for developing custom web parts and extensions. I would like to understand the licensing terms for using SPFx. Specifically, I ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to add a custom button in a sharepoint column using field customizer SPFX react

I have an urgent requirement to show a button in a sharepoint list column using spfx extensions field customizer react. Can anyone please help me with the code sample for reference ASAP. TIA.
2 votes
1 answer

SPFx Extension COMMAND_1 to call a function

I'm trying to add an action to the context menu in my SharePoint library. The action appears when I right-click on a file, but when I click on the action, the default window pops up and not the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Site Footer is not showing up in mobile devices

We have a publishing site in SharePoint Online and we created a SPFx extension that basically just injects this css: div[class^="simpleFooterContainer-"] { height: 80px; background: #...
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0 answers

Property 'context' is missing in type '{}' but required in type 'IBreadcrumbsProps'

I have the breadcrumb declared in the component file and importing the class into another component file. But I started getting the error message Property 'context' is missing in type '{}' but ...
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0 answers

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'operation')

I have the spfx extension which renders the items into commandBar from the term store, however when I try to access the page the extension is not loading and throwing the below error tmessage. When I ...
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0 answers

Does SPFx colors affect the SharePoint Site theme

I have SPFx extensions and webparts deployed in the sites and both framework uses the custom color built in the .sppkg package. And I have custom site theme installed using PowerShell. Does the SPFx ...
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0 answers

How to add a context menu to a Command

I have followed the instructions from . It results in code similar to: @...
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0 answers

Does an Application Extension loads always before any Webpart in page?

can you please tell me the loading order of web-part and extensions, if any? Who loads first and the load order is always the same? Thank you!
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0 answers

Breadcrumb Navigation issue when navigating to Sitecontents

I have the Breadcrumb navigation installed in my sites which works fine when navigating to the Lists or Libraries. But when navigating to Site Contents it cannot get the serverrelativeurl. Is it know ...
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0 answers

Could not find a declaration file for module '@microsoft/sp-application-base'

I am building a application customizer extension to hide the Approve/Reject buttons in modern SharePoint page using instructions here: Hiding Approve/Reject button in SharePoint modern experience ...
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0 answers

Office Ui react commandBar show menus on mouseover

I have top navigation which is using office Ui react commandBar, where i have to click on the menu to show the 2nd level of the menu. Is there anyway to add the hover effect to this commandBar or ...
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0 answers

Application Customizer - problem with deploying?

I added Application Customizer to my spfx project. I did following steps to deploy it: gulp clean --ship && gulp build --ship && gulp bundle --ship && gulp package-solution --...
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1 answer

Add button for every item in a list to open specific item Version History popup for

could you help please, is it possible to add button for all items in a list to open their version history pop-up? This button or link should be on the specific column field for every items. Is there ...
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0 answers

Display custom element in listview command bar

I'm a beginner SPFx developer so maybe my question is dumb, but here it goes. I created a custom action for moving files to different site collection, but the problem is that the user doesn't know if ...
5 votes
3 answers

NodeJS not compatible

when I run gulp serve I get the following error. Your dev environment is running NodeJS version v10.15.0 which does not meet the requirements for running this tool. This tool requires a version of ...
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1 answer

How to disable drag and drop feature in modern SharePoint library using SPFx?

I have a requirement to disable drag and drop feature in modern SharePoint document library using SPFx application customizer. User should not drag and drop files into a folder or into a library. Can ...
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2 answers

Adaptive Card Extension (SPFx) build fails with no warnings or errors

My Adaptive Card Extension (ACE) works perfectly in the workbench, however when I try to package it, first with gulp bundle --ship then gulp package-solution --ship it fails to package. The bundling ...
1 vote
1 answer

SPFx - React component fail to load on site page

I was trying to import and using react component from: It is just rendering normal on workbench: When I try to bundle and deploy to site page it ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to change SharePoint Site language programmatically using spfx extension

it there way to change language dropdown of SharePoint site such as English to German using spfx solution ? I am looking function like pagecontext.setLanguage(1031);
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1 answer

Advice for disclaimer pop up Sharepoint Online

Just looking for some advice. I have a request to provide a 'Disclaimer pop up' which appears on screen the first time an external user visits one of our sites. Once the user has clicked ok, the ...

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