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Questions tagged [spfieldlookupvalue]

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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DLookUp doesn't return values for some users (Sharepoint 2010)

I have a Sharepoint 2010 library with 12 columns, we have a person that can only see the dropdown values for one of the 3 columns which are DLookUp type. The one she does see is sourced from a list ...
Sue White's user avatar
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Can't understand lookup fields to retrieve data in Rest API

I can't understand how to build Rest Query (SharePoint Api) to retrieve data from lookup fields. I've tried all that i read. I don't understand how to make right construct of Rest Query. All i've read ...
Daniyar Galiyev's user avatar
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SharePoint List LookUp field to use API to populate choices

When creating a list in SharePoint, you can choose the "LookUp" field. I would like to have that "LookUp" be able grab information from an API from a different site. Any way to get this process ...
Larry's user avatar
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How to filter a list using a lookup value field via listdata.svc

I have a Posts list(Blog) I would like to use the rest api call below to filter the list using a lookup value Category When i test it using the Byline field below it works http://Site/news/_vti_bin/...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Update another field with an id of a lookup column

I have a list with around 1000 columns and I need to be a able to prepopulate another field with a lookupid of another lookup field on the same list I am getting error when I use: var ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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how to change lookup reference between sharepoint lists?

I have simple Sharepoint list named Alist with lookup value column. the lookup value column returns fields from other list named Blist. accidentally I have deleted this Blist and in Alist all lookup ...
Vaso Miruashvili's user avatar
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Unable to get the look-up column value using JSOM

I am trying to get the value of SharePoint lookup column with below both the options.But I am finding no luck with it. Can any one please help me what's the issue. var TabletopSessionsvalue=...
Ax Learner's user avatar