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Questions tagged [solution-package]

SharePoint solution is deployed to a SharePoint server by using a solution package (.wsp) file. You can use Visual Studio to organize your SharePoint Project Items into Features and to create a package to deploy your SharePoint Features.

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0 votes
1 answer

How to deploy a web part that uses AjaxControlToolkit with WSPBuilder?

I'm trying to deploy a webpart that is an ASP.NET user control that uses AjaxControlToolkit via WSPBuilder, with not much success. There seems to be a lot of web.config edits that need to be done in ...
4 votes
2 answers

Has the deployment of resource files and site maps been improved in SharePoint 2010

All the SharePoint applications I work on use resource files to allow localisation and sitemap files to integrate with breadcrumbs. It has always been a problem to deploy and process these files as ...
1 vote
3 answers

What is best practice for deploying third party SharePoint 2007 solutions?

I want to know what to look for and what to do (both from a developer and IT admin point of view) before installing a third party solution into a SharePoint 2007 farm? Is there a checklist that I ...
1 vote
3 answers

WSP Solution Features Folder Subfolders

Today I was asked if I could build my wsp solutions in such a way as to not load all of the features (list definitions, content types, etc.) directly in the FEATURES folder of the 12 hive. They would ...
5 votes
2 answers

How can I compare WFEs to ensure a WSP was deployed succesfully?

I'm a sharepoint 2007 administrator. We are running with two WFE and deployed a wsp package recently, we suspect that the deployment was not completely successful. we would like to compare the WSPs ...
12 votes
2 answers

Best practice for developing a WebService in SharePoint?

I've followed the following steps to build a WebService in SharePoint: Created a new project using WSPBuilder. Added a 'WebService' (Add a new web service to the layouts folder) Do a WSBBuilder "...
3 votes
2 answers

Deploying all components of an InfoPath form plus managed code as a solution

Has anyone successfully packaged up an InfoPath form solution with the following features? Custom site columns for properties promoted from form Custom content types to be associated with form ...

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