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Questions tagged [sharepoint-hosted-app]

A SharePoint-hosted app may provision basic resources into its app web such as HTML/CSS/JS files, site column/content type/list definitions, etc. Under no circumstances can server-side code run within a SharePoint-hosted app.

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What means OnDemand, LoadAfterUI, Localizable attributes in SharePoint:ScriptLink tag?

I'm developing simple sharepoint hosted app. on app's default.aspx i see the below scriptlink tag. but i do not understand the need of OnDemand, LoadAfterUI, Localizable attributes. <SharePoint:...
Curious's user avatar
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Sharepoint hosted client app part custom properties validation

I am trying to validation custom properties of client web part in Sharepoint hosted app. Not finding anything to do so. I have custom properties which are required ,url validation , character limit in ...
Bhaskar Dhone's user avatar
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App / Add-in questions

I am a new user of SharePoint, and I am currently learning the App development model. I have some questions for SharePoint Apps specialists. When a site owner download and install an app on his web ...
Pierre-Louis Ollivier's user avatar
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SharePoint Hosted app Custom newform

I need to add a custom form (new, view and display forms) in a SharePoint Hosted app. I did follow these two articles article1 and article2. Steps so far Created a SharePoint App project Added a ...
user1339913's user avatar
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Prevent Visual Studio from Overriding Poject internal SPList

Is there a way to prevent Visual Studio from Overriding Poject internal SPList? And how can I reuse a already created List inside an App? The Lists is not accessible after a new deployment of the app....
Snickbrack's user avatar
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Create site collection using jsom

I am wondering if creation of site collections with javascript on SharePoint hosted sites, is still not possible? If not, is it possible to use the site collection creation form _layouts/15/online/...
Lennard's user avatar
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Creating Charts in 0365

I am developing a Share-point Application in O365. Will it be possible to use web-part in online premise or only app part can only be used. Following is the code I have used. I am getting the Access ...
Vinod's user avatar
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Check if the current SharePoint Page is in Edit mode from within a SharePoint Online App

I have a SharePoint hosted app. I need to enable an edit section inside the app only when the page is in edit mode. This way I am making sure that only users with edit permission can view this option. ...
Piyush's user avatar
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Create a 2010 workflow in Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint hosted app

Is it possible to create workflow 2010 for SharePoint hosted app 2013 in visual studio 2012. If yes then how we can achieve this. Suggest some help
Mrunal Shidurkar's user avatar
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Sharepoint Hosted app update issue

I have deployed my hosted app in test site environment with version In the same version I have one list named Employee. Now I renamed the list name as Employees raise the version and ...
Mrunal Shidurkar's user avatar
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Alternative for ADAL in SharePoint hosted app

Is there any alternative for ADAL. I have created SharePoint hosted app. For every new build app deployed with new url with new Id like
Mrunal Shidurkar's user avatar
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Rest API calls from provider hosted apps

Here is the scenario. We have a product built on linux systems and the data is available through REST API. The web application which is built on JAVA is also hosted on the same environment. Few of ...
Sreeharsha Alagani's user avatar
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How to create context by using URL from list items?

I've a project main site and some sub sites of it. In the Main site I've list which contains URL of all sub sites. I need to create office app to retrieve the list items from all sub sites, do some ...
Arun's user avatar
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Is cross-site lookup possible with a provider-hosted app?

I have following problem. I got two projects, one sharepoint-hosted app and another provider hosted app. Both contain a couple of lists. So far so good. Now I need the data from the sharepoint-hosted ...
LeonidasFett's user avatar
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Filter Drop-down values based on logged user

I should create a drop down box to display hosted-app part, based on the selected value from drop down box. Also I need to filter the drop down values based on logged user. And this need to be done ...
Arun's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 Hosted App. Access-Control-Allow-Origin - Access Denied

I am working with SharePoint 2013 and I developed some app parts to show information in our intranet. These app parts get data from WEB API using jQuery, It works fine in Chrome, Firefox, but in ...
Rafael RLD's user avatar
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ADFS error in SharePoint Hosted App on On-Premise SharePoint

I have developed a SharePoint Hosted App for a customer. For development I used SharePoint Online, the customer system is an on-premise SharePoint 2013. Now I deployed the .app-file on the customers ...
Philipp Eger's user avatar
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Get all users in Office 365 and their permissions in Sharepoint hosted app

How to get all users of office 365 and their permissions in SharePoint hosted app and is it even possible ? I want to get everyone's permissions and display content based on permissions of current ...
Mathematics's user avatar
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Sharepoint-hosted app on-premise 2013

We have been developing SharePoint-hosted apps for SP online with great success, but seems like developing SharePoint-hosted apps for the on-premise 2013 is not so intuitive process. Questions: As ...
Yiannis Stavrianos's user avatar
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User-hidden credentials for SharePoint-hosted / Auto-hosted App

I am experienced with developing SharePoint 2007 and 2010 solutions, and am working to get into SharePoint 2013 development. The requirement from our customer is that the App can only be deployed as ...
Christian P.'s user avatar
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Enable ratings for custom list via JavaScript in a SharePoint Hosted Add-In (App)

let me just start by saying that I've searched for about 8 hours and I've read every accepted answer for CSOM, PowerShell, list settings etc and tried to convert the codes myself into a working ...
Fredrik Johan Lund's user avatar
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In SharePoint App, What permission will be needed to bind taxonomy termstore to column of list?

I have SharePoint hosted app which creates list with Taxonomy Field. I want to bind term store to that column. I tried by editing that column and try to set "Term Set Settings", but that setting ...
Vikram Shityalkar's user avatar
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Using JSOM or REST get list items stored in a different web application

In an on-premises SharePoint 2013 environment I need to read list items stored in a different web application using JavaScript based solution. This could either be JavaScript in Script Editor web part ...
programmatically's user avatar
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Get current user id in JSOM on sharepoint online

I'm trying these two ways to get the user id. $(document).ready(function () { ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(loadUser, "sp.js"); }); function loadUser() { var ctx = new SP....
uhcnamuf's user avatar
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Get Related Item ID from a workflow task list

using JSOM i am displaying a list of a workflow order to allow my users to approve the task i need to get the ID of the related item. I'm guessing this is going to be in the Related Item ...
Stephen's user avatar
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How to manage SharePoint hosted app with app-only calls

I have one SHarePoint Hosted app. I given in appmanifest.xml as app only calls and given scope as tenant. <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true" > <AppPermissionRequest Scope="...
Mihir's user avatar
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Get the ID of a new listItem and update same record

I'm trying to add a new record and get the new ID created then use the new ID to create a specific reference number using the following code. function saveDraftGHrecord() { ghList = web.get_lists()....
Stephen's user avatar
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Are there real differences in App/Add-in development inside on-premise SP 2013, compared to on-premise 2016 and office 365

Our team have been working on app module inside SharePoint 2013 on-premise for many years and on many projects. Now as we got new projects that are:- -On- premise SharePoint 2016 Office 365 ...
John John's user avatar
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SharePoint hosted APP - Create subsite with JSOM under hostweb - Access is denied

I'm trying to create a SharePoint hosted app that creates a subsite under the hostweb with JSOM. The app has full control on the site collection. Why do i I getting this error message: My code: ...
hognis's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I add Apps from MS Store?

I want to get the CAD viewer app which is free and it supports on prem . But I see following from my sharepoint sites. Sorry,...
Jessica Tyler's user avatar
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How to create list with default items in SharePoint Hosted App?

I have a SharePoint Hosted App. Now I am adding a new list using "Add -> New Item -> Lists". List got created. But my question is, I want to add an item so that when I install my SharePoint App, the ...
Trimantra Software Solution's user avatar
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SP Online - Use promises in SharePoint-Hosted Add-in

I want to know what is the best way for using JS chaines promises in for SharePoint-Hosted Add-in. In my code: I have a pageLoad function that's getting data from SP and I want to execute pageLoad ...
Goshky's user avatar
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Access Host Web list inside SharePoint hosted app

I have SharePoint hosted app Now I need to get host web list data inside my hosted app. Is it possible to get data from host web? Suggest some help
Mrunal Shidurkar's user avatar
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How do I get the names of users when retrieving the list of tasks?

In a SharePoint Hosted App, with the following code, I can retrieve the list of tasks, every task containing, among others, the identifiers AssignedToId (an array of integers): executor.executeAsync({...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
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Default master is not applied to SharePoint hosted app

I am new in creating SharePoint apps. I have created SharePoint hosted app. It is deployed properly. But default master page is not applied to it. It just showing plain HTML page. Your help will be ...
Prasad's user avatar
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There is no trusted URLs configured for the app deployment on Client side People Picker

I've built and been using a Sharepoint hosted app which uses a Client side people picker which all worked correctly until today. No when using them I get the following error. There is no trusted ...
Stephen's user avatar
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SharePoint Hosted App uploaded in App Catalog . App in Disabled Mode

I had uploaded my app package in "App Catalog" ,And I see it's status as below.Can any one do let me know ,How much time it will take to get enabled
MSA's user avatar
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Sharepoint online app, Access denied

Hi I'm new to sharepoint. So I'm trying to develeop sharepoint online app. But there is an error here and I can't find how solve this issue. Error is : Access denied. You do not have permission to ...
Yasin Yörük's user avatar
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After creating a sharepoint app project, there is no "default.aspx.cs" code behind file

After creating a SharePoint app project, there is no "default.aspx.cs" code behind file. Only default.aspx My APP is SharePoint-hosted. Is that the reason? Can I code freely in a SharePoint-hosted ...
photonacl's user avatar
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Angular and SharePoint: missing references?

Assume: I am new to Angular, still don't know what I am doing. I am trying to create a SharePoint-hosted app that will pull some data from lists deployed with that app. I don't want to use Default....
grisha's user avatar
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office365- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined, querystring parameter fails

I created an SharePoint Hosted App in this app I am using Two form for saving data into list. When I click on save button to save data into list data is saved into list and redirect to another page ...
Vipin Kumar's user avatar
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sharepoint profile picture

Is there any possibility to change profile picture or uploading a new profile picture in SharePoint Online by using SharePoint hosted app, via JavaScript or jQuery? How do you solve it?
Melad Batta's user avatar
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Get ID after inserting Item into SharePoint 2013 Host Web List

I am currently creating a SharePoint 2013 hosted app on Office 365 and I currently have some JavaScript that inserts item into a host web list. I wondering if it is possible to get the ID of the item ...
Adam13Hylo's user avatar
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How to effectively demonstrate sharepoint skills?

If I was to signup with office 365 and their hosted sharepoint server, would I be able to create a sample project that could demonstrate to a potential employer that I have the skills? i.e. I ...
Blankman's user avatar
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Sharepoint-hosted apps login request from all users

My problem is simple and i was expecting to get a simple solution too. Instead, i already spent days looking of the reason why i get this error and possible solutions. Setup: I followed these steps ...
Yiannis Stavrianos's user avatar
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How to call Rest api in SharePoint hosted app.?

I want to call Rest api which is not of SharePoint. I have created one Api which is in php. And I want to call that api in my SharePoint hosted App. Is it possible to call API which not of SharePoint ...
Rahul Gokani's user avatar
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SP Long operation notifications in SharePoint Hosted apps

Is it possible to implement SPLongOperation (or equivalent) in SharePoint Hosted apps, to use the SP default "Working on it.." dialog until list operations are completed?
Darshan's user avatar
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how to use the gridview in SharePoint 2013 Hosted App

I want know how to use the grid view in a SharePoint-hosted App. Can any one provide information on this?
user31600's user avatar
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Hide document library from Quick Launch using JSOM

I am creating Hidden document library using SharePoint hosted App and i have to hide this hidden library from quick launch. I used below code but it's not working. function createDocumentLibrary() {...
Chandani Prajapati's user avatar
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Access Token Api - Getting Unauthorized error when consume/used from SharePoint Hosted add-in

I want Access token in sharepoint Hosted addin in order to consume Microsoft Graph Api. When I hit Access Token Api ( ...
Amardeep Gupta's user avatar

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