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Questions tagged [remote]

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Architecture advice for Sharepoint 2019 distributed farm with remote site

I don't know if it's possible to achieve this. The idea is to have the Sharepoint farm distributed among 4 servers (or more if needed), 2 of those would remain at the main site and another two could ...
n0ghr1's user avatar
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Getting error "cannot access local farm" when connecting via winrm client from a non-windows machine

I'm trying to connect to a Sharepoint Server 2016 and run Sharepoint cmdlets but I am getting an error saying: "Cannot access the local farm. Verify that the local farm is properly configured, ...
sharepointwoes's user avatar
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How to embed remote/dynamic JS in a page?

I have several pages and instead of including my JavaScript in each page and then updating/amending the script in each page which is time-consuming, I just want each page to pull the script from a ...
Maciek's user avatar
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User can access Sharepoint Online on desktop in office, but not on laptop via wi-fi or on -phone

I have a user who can access all areas of SharePoint he has access to using the desktop in the office. However, when trying to access SharePoint on his iphone or on his laptop via wifi he gets the ...
Elizabeth Low's user avatar
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How can I connect to Sharepoint server remotely via internet and upload a project

Is it possible that I develop or upload a SharePoint project onto a SharePoint server via internet? I intend to develop the project on my PC, and then upload it to the server. Should I set up a VPN ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Add Item to a SharePoint List/Library using powershell with non-administrator credentials

Is there a way to add Items to a SharePoint List/Library using the credentials of a non-administrator user? I am logged on SharePoint server using the Admin account, I have users in my domain which I ...
Jorge Avila's user avatar
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Generateing a public csv file on sharepoint (will be downloaded by a linux server)

Last year we made a solution for a customers website (on a linuxserver). They also have a sharepointserver, where they update some numbers daily in an excel sheet, and use a macro to generate a public ...
Torstein Opperud's user avatar
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Remotely debug Provider Hosted App from Visual Studio 2015

I have created a SharePoint Provider hosted App on Azure. I need to debug it now. I have enabled remote debugging from the Azure Portal. But when I try to debug it from Visual Studio, I get the ...
Mancy Desaee's user avatar
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