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How to fetch Mail-Enable security Groups in SPFx react?

I want to show Mail-Enable security Group Names in select tag. Can someone please tell how can I get the group names using SPFx react?
Renuka's user avatar
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Create client instance for reuse

I was trying to set up an instance of client so I don't have to write this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient().then((client: MSGraphClient) every time I want to make a request. Something which ...
OLGJ's user avatar
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Building a react application with Microsoft graph and SharePoint

I’m starting a new job and been tasked with creating a react based application which will be built in SharePoint and retrieve data using Microsoft Graph. I am new to this and am struggling with ...
OLGJ's user avatar
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MS Graph API - Problems on SPO Mobile-App

The Background: I am developing Sharepoint Online Webparts on-demand. Sometimes the functionality of these Webparts include the use of Microsoft's "Graph-API" to access Data regarding Office 365 ...
Roman Stadlhuber's user avatar