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How to tackle SharePoint 2013 Custom Timer Job Posting Data To SIEBEL's SOAP Service Failed over the Intranet after Enabling TLS 1.2

The Custom Timer Job is deployed on the SharePoint 2013 (On-Premises) Farm. The solution is written using the .NET Framework 4.5. Timer Jobs are executed on the Windows Service Level so assuming ...
MMUNEEBALI's user avatar
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An unexpected 'PrimitiveValue' node was found when reading from the JSON reader

I am getting this error while trying to post data to SharePoint list. It has one lookup field PostCategory. {"readyState":4,"responseText":"{\"error\":{\"code\":\"-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client....
KumarV's user avatar
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Why http PUT can upload file successfully to SharePoint?

We are using SP2016 on-premise. In order to handle security test I prepared a PowerShell script to test upload with PUT/POST. $Digest = $response.getcontextwebinformation.FormDigestValue $headers = ...
Mark L's user avatar
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Using Sharepoint Search REST POST API: getting 403 error from HttpWebRequest

I am trying to use the SharePoint Search REST API to do a content search from my c# application. I have no problem using the GET method, but the POST method keeps returning a 403 forbidden error. ...
john's user avatar
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403 when making axios POST request

I have a feature that loads a map onto a page, and 5% of the time I'm hit with a 403 error and the map data doesn't load properly. I've had a very difficult time with triggering the error, but I was ...
Bodrov's user avatar
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why doesn't my REST call work on subsites

I have successfully used a REST call to create a list item in my root site and now need to use a second one to populate a list item in a sub site with the same data. Here are my dictionary settings ...
JonS's user avatar
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Blog posts from a user are not showing to content search web part

On SharePoint 2013, there is a content search webpart that is displaying all the blogposts from all sites. There is a particular user that his posts are not showing up in the webpart. All the rest ...
dimitrisd's user avatar
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POST to SharePoint Task List Results in Bad Request?

I am loading all my data with a GET to populate to a DataTable. When a row is selected and drawn to a new table, it deletes from the DataTable as well as the SharePoint list it came from. I am trying ...
BeerusDev's user avatar
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Standard text in the body of your posts

Is there a way of when creating a 'Post' when you click on 'create' there is a standard format already in the body of your post? I have to keep copying and pasting into the body and wonder if there ...
Paul's user avatar
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Unable to send a POST request to add a new item

I am trying to make a POST request to add a new item to a SharePoint list in SharePoint online, from a classic page. I am having this code in my custom action: var url = location.href var ...
B1B's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'post') Posting to Azure web API from SPFX

I hope someone can help me with this. I’m getting error message TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'post'). The Azure function is working fine and is used in other projects.
Kristinn Lindal's user avatar
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Update requestdigest value

I have a custom sp 2013 page with content editor webpart, js referred from site assets, I am using rest api to perform crud If I do a post request, I am passing the $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(...
Gokulnath K's user avatar
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Failed to Fetch Error while calling Azure Function

I am calling an Azure Function which is publicly accessible from my SPFx web part. It is a POST Request and I am getting a Failed to Fetch error. The same API call is working fine if I execute it from ...
Dhruvil Prajapati's user avatar
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How to update Modified By field using REST API

I want to update a task to approved using REST API and C#, I am able to approve the task successfully but since its a C# solution deployed on IIS, it gets updated to System Account. I am trying to ...
Ishan's user avatar
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Uncaught Type Error: Cannot read property 'post' of undefined

The below is my code import * as React from 'react'; import styles from './PostTest.module.scss'; import { IPostTestProps } from './IPostTestProps'; import { escape } from '@microsoft/sp-lodash-...
Zi Fit's user avatar
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