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Modern Site "Highlighted Content" web Part links not working properly

This seems to be a known issue on Microsoft's website. When a new link is created and a filter is added to the highlighted content web part to pull that link it seems to pull the link in a card layout....
Lance Bitner's user avatar
4 votes
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How to edit the size of a web part in a modern site

Am using a modern communication site,and i added some web part but cant seem to find a way to edit those web part sizes.
Keshav Taurah's user avatar
3 votes
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SPCascade Dropdown Required Field

We are running SharePoint Online, and are using jquery.SPServices-2014.02.min.js with jquery-1.10.2.js. Simply we tried using SPCascadeDropdowns documented at the link below: https://spservices....
taher mohammad's user avatar
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Setting InplaceSearchEnabled via PowerShell in SharePoint Online

I am trying to create a script to modify several web parts in a site collection so I don't have to go through the tediousness of doing it 50 times through the browser, but I seem to be running into a ...
Eric Alexander's user avatar
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SharePoint Online Calendar Web part only shows events when in Edit Mode

I have a calendar web part on a site that should show the absence of colleagues, however, on the page none of the entered absences is shown. When I click Edit in the top right corner to view the page ...
Gravinco's user avatar
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How to change Document Library webpart's toolbar type programmatically?

I want to edit document library webpart to change Toolbar Type to 'No Toolbar' programmatically using C#. Actually I want to hide 'add new document' button. I have created a document library ...
Ronak Patel's user avatar
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Site Users Web Part for SharePoint Online

I am aware of "Site Users Web Part" with SharePoint On Perm version as mention in below link What I ...
Ravi Khambhati's user avatar
2 votes
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Try to add a new web part but only shows "Made for email"

When I try to add a new web part to the column, it shows only several options under "made for email", while before there're many other options like "news", "events", etc. ...
Vincent Lin's user avatar
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SPFx - Webparts won't load proper on first load

I'm currently making SPFx Webparts for the SharePoint Online segment. Since some time when I start a new browser session and head over to my 'portal' 1 of duplicates partially to other components. See ...
Sanne Maarten Veenstra's user avatar
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Webpart visible when editting, but disappears

We cannot figure out what is going on with Sharepoint here. We edit the page and add webparts fine, however, when saved and published a few of those webparts disappear. Does anyone have a suggestion ...
Jordan Rhea's user avatar
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How can I make the 'modified date' column of a list reflect when the contents of folder were last modified, not the folder itself?

I am using SharePoint online for work. I have a subsite with 2 WebParts, both of which are lists (XsltListViewWebPart). Each list has folders, with each folder having a number of documents within. ...
themike_b's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't run "gulp trust-dev-cert". Error "cannot read "tostring" of null"

I am trying to build up a react web part for SharePoint, and I was following the instructions from Microsoft page :
Raul Pontes's user avatar
2 votes
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SharePoint Online E1 with Power BI Webpart

As per MSDN, O365 E1 license doesn't support Power BI Webpart. ( Can E1 licensed user view the power BI report(...
Ravi Nuthakki's user avatar
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HOW to set permission on multiple folders

I got a client that has a really dense folder structure and they want to apply permission to the different folders. I wanted to know if there a way to apply permission to multiple folders at a time ...
Keshav Taurah's user avatar
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Resize title column in list with new SharePoint design

With the new SharePoint design, you can easily resize columns (although, that setting doesn't appear to stick). But for the title column, it appears you cant go any shorter than what appears to be a ...
jmlumpkin's user avatar
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Duplicate people in SharePoint Online Search result

In SharePoint Online Search result, I have some people duplicated and I don't know why. One have information like number et the other one nothing only the same name. I've already checked the user ...
Moda Niang's user avatar
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SharePoint Online - Add 'documents' web part to page layout and allow changes to the web part

I have created a custom wiki page layout which is almost perfect, however, I want to add a Document (Shared Document) web part to the page layout and allow the user to change the view of it when they ...
Chris Taverner's user avatar
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Error: SPFx loader is not present in the page in SharePoint 365

I am getting this error all of sudden in my SharePoint 365 trial site.I didn't perform any major changes.i have just removed 3 default web parts from my home page and it has started showing me this ...
SynozeN Technologies's user avatar
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assign webpart to a group using dwp file

I have a dwp file I want to assign it to an already existing group instead of miscellaneous group <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WebPart xmlns:xsd=""...
Vignesh Subramanian's user avatar
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How to create calculated column / Property in the User Profiles with Visual Studio or Manually?

I have to create one calculated column / Property in the User Profiles with custom / Visual Studio or Manually. Is it possible and How? I know that, we can create the Property but I don't know how to ...
Ram's user avatar
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Web part always added at the bottom of a page

I am adding a web part using the following code and xml: string xemelek = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding=\"utf-8\"?><webParts><webPart xmlns='
grisha's user avatar
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How to integrate SharePoint to a public website?

I have a question regarding how to integrate or call a SharePoint list/webpart in a public website? In the website I have navigation menu item called "Show list" when a user clicks on that it should ...
Sunreuz's user avatar
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SharePoint Online, Add a webpart to wiki page

I need to add a web part to an existing wiki page [Type="GhostableInLibrary"], when a feature is activated. I have tried a combination of both IgnoreIfAlreadyExists and ReplaceContent properties in ...
bkk's user avatar
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Power BI integrated from a SharePoint list

I have a Power BI visualization created via a SharePoint list integration. I can therefore view the visual tools through the SharePoint list. However, I would like to display the visualizations on ...
Ceesh's user avatar
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Custom Icon, uploaded using custom image feature for quick links tile layout not displaying as intended

When uploading our branded custom icons to the quick links web part, which is in the tile display, using the "custom image" option, the icons are very faint and almost blurred. I have tried ...
Kole's user avatar
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2 answers

dynamically show site owners web part

We have over 200 sites. We want to have a centralized list that has all the site owners. We want to have a web part to display the owner of the site. If we edit the list then the web part changes ...
Darryl's user avatar
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How to hide files in SharePoint People Web Part

I am building a new SharePoint intranet for my company. I need to include a directory and wanted to use the people web part. But I can't let everyone see the files people have been working on - this ...
Trenny Ford's user avatar
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New web part for multiple pages

I have a modern SharePoint Hub site and the option for multiple languages is enabled for it. When I change the layout of the site (for example: I add a new text web part on the German site) it's not ...
EMA's user avatar
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SharePoint Modern Web Part: News Web Part without links

Our customer asked us to create SharePoint Page. They required to add only the text content which looks same as 'News' web part. I tried text web part however, there are many differences between News ...
max's user avatar
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Is there any way to refresh the page from webpart when user clicks on save as draft in sharepoint page?

We have implemented some webpart where filtering is happening when user select some value from the dropdown and its working fine but when we click on save as draft at that time old filter value is ...
Vivek Chadha's user avatar
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Search Embedded List

I have embedded a document library from another SharePoint site in my own site, which works great. However when I use the search bar on that page, it does not search for documents from the embedded ...
Luke Wilson's user avatar
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JSON code for centering SharePoint list within List web part

I have formatted a Tile/Gallery view of a SharePoint list and would like to know if anyone knows how to actually center these tiles/list on the page within the web part? This is my code: { "$...
Beth Culpepper's user avatar
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Show private group calendar on other (public) SharePoint site

We have a public communication site in SharePoint Online. Now we want to display a group calendar (via webpart "Group Calendar") from a private M365 group on this communication site. ...
Der_Fab's user avatar
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What is this OOTB Empty Web part?

I can see the below Empty web part available in the Modern Pages. Can anyone provide any details on what is this or any documentation about the same?
Dhruvil Prajapati's user avatar
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SharePoint hosted workbench showing cached version

I have a SharePoint SPFx react web app. When running gulp serve on my local workbench, all changes are being reflected. However when I access the SharePoint hosted workbench using the following URL: /...
hisusu32's user avatar
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Highlighted Content for "Approval Status" or Custom View based on 'Grouped by Approval Status'

How would I go about displaying documents across 10 document libraries on a site when the documents "Approval Status" is set to "Pending"? I have created a view on each library ...
Steven D's user avatar
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Embed PDF into SharePoint with pages view

I am trying to embed a PDF viewer into our company's internal shared site where internal users can easily view my team's software documentation. The company is fairly large, so we are trying to make ...
Klaws's user avatar
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Best way to display a list sum as a web part?

I have a SharePoint list which is used to track money saved through individual projects in our team. I want a simple visual which displays the sum (total money saved) as a web part - what is the ...
Jess Taylor's user avatar
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Showing a calendar as a group calendar instead of events web part

I at first wanted to show a calendar list with recurring events as a web part on my SharePoint page. But when I selected the calendar, it just showed 'No upcoming events' and a default 'Title of event'...
21200506's user avatar
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SharePoint 365 Classic Webpart Collapsed List NOT Expanding on Click

This problematic Webpart is on about a hundred of my webpages (classic) and it worked just fine until recently. I have a main list of emails. From this list, the Webpart filters specific emails to a ...
Stephanie's user avatar
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Simple Modal SP Online (2013) - not working

<html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <style> body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} /* The Modal (...
blackblossom's user avatar
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Site Title Not Showing Up in Sites Web Part

I have a weird issue showing up on my tenant. I have a hub site (newly created) called Project Hub and I associated a new site collection (called Issue Tracking System) with this hub site. I am using ...
Krishant L's user avatar
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Unable to get the Content for React Script Editor Webpart in SharePoint Modern Experience using c#

We have migrated our site to SharePoint Modern experience from classic. For that we had to replace the Script Editor with the React Script Editor, as Script editor is no longer available in modern ...
Misbah's user avatar
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Loading a webpart inside of another webpart dynamically

I have a specific requirement to implement dynamic web-part loading. What I am trying to achieve is to have a web-part basically load inside of another. Not sure if this is possible or where to start. ...
JCurtis's user avatar
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I want to insert attachment in particular list item using pnpjs

I want to update the list item with attachment but not sure why its failing the payload while saving it. try { sp.web.lists.getByTitle(listName) => { // this will ...
XFW's user avatar
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Custom Web Part Uploading Incorrectly

I am trying to upload my custom web part to my sharepoint online site. The upload is successful, but when adding the web part to a site it is not the expected content of the web part. It seems to be ...
JustinW's user avatar
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Standard web parts not saving custom titles in multiple languages

I have a SharePoint Online modern team site in english language with german as an alternative language. When I add a standard News web part its default title for an user with english language is "News"...
moritz brandl's user avatar
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Modern list web part - voting field does not work

I've created a list and added a voting option (found under the Ratings settings). Users now see a heart-shaped icon depicting the number of likes a list item received and can vote on it. This works as ...
Michael Davids's user avatar
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Single Part App Pages in SharePoint Online does not work if user has not the autorisation to modify the page

In a modern SharePoint Site, I have many Sigle Par App Pages. They work well when I am logged with my admin autorisations. But when I test them with a user wich has not the autorisation to modify ...
Héloïse's user avatar
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Modern news headlines show file names

I use the news web-part in several sites in our SP, but I get the file names as headlines, instead of the actual headline. I have searched through google several times, but I'm unable to find a ...
Jens Kristian Krøier-Kvist's user avatar

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