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Highlighted content (search column)

Can we do a custom query on the Description column (Multiple lines of text) in Highlighted content? Can we say: (Path:""...
Harris's user avatar
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Hiding icons from the Command Bar in the List web part

Is it possible to hide the "Folder link view" and the "i" ("open the details pane") icons from the Command Bar in the List web part? (SharePoint Online modern page). I ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Sharepoint online calling search API using Rest API

I was tried many times, I am not able to calling rest Api call, when i was tried with ajax call then it's work fine, but when i tried with rest api then it's not working. so can you help me to find ...
Ashish Prajapati's user avatar
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Setup Response Header in SharePoint

I want to configure the following security header in SharePoint, however every time I do so, either at the site- or web-config-level, these headers end up being duplicated. Any suggestions? <add ...
PPL's user avatar
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what are the best options in embedding power app in SharePoint page

I have been playing around how to best embed power apps to look nice on SharePoint pages but have had no luck so far. When I embed it using any of this ways below (I get all sort of grayish borders ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Custom Icon, uploaded using custom image feature for quick links tile layout not displaying as intended

When uploading our branded custom icons to the quick links web part, which is in the tile display, using the "custom image" option, the icons are very faint and almost blurred. I have tried ...
Kole's user avatar
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dynamically show site owners web part

We have over 200 sites. We want to have a centralized list that has all the site owners. We want to have a web part to display the owner of the site. If we edit the list then the web part changes ...
Darryl's user avatar
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I'm getting error - We only support linking to files in your organization - Help

I'm getting this error when simply trying to add an image to a post from an image that's not in SharePoint via a link. I have also added the URL to the html field security. Any ideas or is this by ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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How to hide files in SharePoint People Web Part

I am building a new SharePoint intranet for my company. I need to include a directory and wanted to use the people web part. But I can't let everyone see the files people have been working on - this ...
Trenny Ford's user avatar
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Error: We only support linking to files in your own organization. Why can't I link to external files from SharePoint Online

I'm not sure if this is a setting some where else. But I have added the domain to allow via the html field security. But I cant get to add an image to link via the image web part or the Quick links ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Display Grouped Document List Based on Term

Problem In SharePoint O365 online, I need to display a list of documents from across the enterprise that match a term. The results need to be grouped by a property and presentable to site users. Where ...
JosephMoeller's user avatar
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Can i upload a rssfeed file in SharePoint and use it in my script or rss reader webpart?

Is it possible to load a rssfeed file e.g events.rss into a SharePoint document library and then use script or RSS Reader webpart to view it on a page. When i tried it via using a sharepoint direct ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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How can I remove link from a Sharepoint web tile?

I'm trying to remove link from a Hero Tile, so as it works as an image. I tried adding # in the end of the home page link, but this only refreshes the home page, which is quite annoying for the users. ...
Aditya Kumar's user avatar
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PnP search result WebPart syntax to split Url and get document Breadcrumb

I'm trying to display document breadcrumb on PnP search results by adapting the code from Search Result WebPart: <ul class="breadcrumb"> {{# each (after (split (after Path (length ...
Salah's user avatar
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Looking for an image gallery webpart - that can do carousel but also when clicked on the image display a popup of the image

Looking for an image gallery web part - that can do carousel but also when clicked on the image display a popup of the image. Any ideas or resources online would be appreciated Thanks in Advance.
naijacoder's user avatar
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Document Library Web Part size reseting to Medium size

Recently, while building a page with SharePoint Modern, I noticed I am not able to use the automatic size for Document Library web part. After selecting it and hitting apply, the changes are visible, ...
Vann's user avatar
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Insert time in default weather web part

By default we have the weather and location web parts in modern SharePoint Online site. How can I add the time in the weather web part for a specific location? Where can I find the source code for ...
Propool's user avatar
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Need to edit the Events web part

I'm using the Events Web part on SharePoint online and it fulfills most of the client's needs, however they've come back with some tweaks, for example they want to create events outside of the 30 ...
Sutekh's user avatar
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How can I enable horizontal Scroll bars in the Modern SharePoint List Web part for SharePoint Online?

A user has just pointed out to me that there is no horizontal (x) scrollbar available in the list web part on a modern sharepoint page. This means that there are hidden columns to the right that you ...
Andrew Gaskell's user avatar
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SPFx web part shrinking when deployed and in workbench

My custom web part is no where near the actual size of the application when I do gulp serve, and the same happens when I deploy the web part to the App catalog. I've tried looking for answers online, ...
dreamy's user avatar
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Changing filetype icon in Search results

I've created a custom search result page using the PnP Modern Search web parts v4. I'm using the list template and I have file icons displaying, but I'd like to change these to my own custom icon. The ...
Ronnie's user avatar
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How to use a SPFx Webpart as Custom Listform on SPO?

My web part is ready to use, it is a simple form with some logic. I want to change in List "A" the default form of SharePoint. So, when I push "+ New", SharePoint shows me my web ...
LeberkäseWhatsappgruppe's user avatar
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JSON command bar customization for web part possible?

Is it possible to also customize command bars in web parts same as for list views?
sp00ky's user avatar
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How to reset Office UI Fabric Dropdown

My this.handleReset() does not working. Any idea, why? <Dropdown options={this.state.options} placeholder= "Bitte wählen..." onChange={ this....
LeberkäseWhatsappgruppe's user avatar
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Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'IDropdownOption[]'

I'm trying to sold a small error in my SPFx Project. I understand the problem, but I can't find any solution. <DefaultButton className={styles.button} onClick={() => this.addListItems(this....
LeberkäseWhatsappgruppe's user avatar
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Ways to display links to pages on SharePoint

I currently have 15 pages on a site collection and am looking for an out of the box solution for visual purposes. As of now there are 15 quick links with a SharePoint page icon next to them. They are ...
David Lee's user avatar
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Full width section image not zooming

I created Full width section in SharePoint Online page and added Image web part to it. My image is quite narrow with size 2560x394. All seems fine on computer screen, however on mobile screen this ...
pirmas naujas's user avatar
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New web part for multiple pages

I have a modern SharePoint Hub site and the option for multiple languages is enabled for it. When I change the layout of the site (for example: I add a new text web part on the German site) it's not ...
EMA's user avatar
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How to get current page URL in SharePoint page through web part?

I tried using the window.location.href, its not working when the webpart is deployed in the production environment How to get the current page URL on the SharePoint web part?
Vivek Chadha's user avatar
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How to rout a form entry back to a site homepage not the associated list

Idea: The form upon submitting or canceling should take you back to the site homepage. Current Issue: For some reason upon submitting or canceling on the current one I have created using a call to ...
David Lee's user avatar
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Filter pane in SharePoint modern page

I have a SharePoint list which I am showing on a page. I have to add filter/search functionality for list web part since items in list will grow to up to 800. So I am looking for user friendly way to ...
SBS's user avatar
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SharePoint Modern Web Part: News Web Part without links

Our customer asked us to create SharePoint Page. They required to add only the text content which looks same as 'News' web part. I tried text web part however, there are many differences between News ...
max's user avatar
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Is there any way to refresh the page from webpart when user clicks on save as draft in sharepoint page?

We have implemented some webpart where filtering is happening when user select some value from the dropdown and its working fine but when we click on save as draft at that time old filter value is ...
Vivek Chadha's user avatar
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SharePoint 2019 Relevant Documents Web Part throwing "...exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator"

I'm pretty new the SharePoint scene and have just started a new job where I've been asked to take up some of the support. The site is using the "Relevant Documents" web part and is ...
Andy Z's user avatar
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How to add custom webpart section under SharePoint modern page?

I need to add a custom design layout under SharePoint online modern page. By default, SharePoint provides six types of layouts marked with a red border in the below image. I need to add my custom ...
thedeepponkiya's user avatar
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How to have a sites navigation menu on a search result page (Search this site)

One of our departments has a library that contains some documents. When they search it redirects them to the default search result page. But unfortunately the navigation menu is missing on a the ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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How to pass user information from Sharepoint to iframe embedded within

We are trying to pass user information from SharePoint (user email) to an iframe embedded within it. We have no problem getting the information to populate on the SharePoint page itself, but we can't ...
JBurns's user avatar
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Setting different default views to modern list and web part and modifying the "See all" link URL

I know I can set a view for modern list web part in the settings of that web part and then I can also browse manually to the list itself and make a different view as the default view there. The ...
Tenttu's user avatar
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Site Import Error

I am currently getting the error below when importing a site and I have no idea what is causing it, can anyone help? [FatalError][-2146231999][System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException][The ...
Ben Cooper's user avatar
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Search Embedded List

I have embedded a document library from another SharePoint site in my own site, which works great. However when I use the search bar on that page, it does not search for documents from the embedded ...
Luke Wilson's user avatar
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JSON code for centering SharePoint list within List web part

I have formatted a Tile/Gallery view of a SharePoint list and would like to know if anyone knows how to actually center these tiles/list on the page within the web part? This is my code: { "$...
Beth Culpepper's user avatar
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Web Part Page Issue

I am currently displaying a SharePoint List in a Web Part page, and have selected the "Display Search Box" miscellaneous option. I want to utilize the Summary View as it stretches the ...
BeerusDev's user avatar
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Web part is not available in hosted workbench despite gulp serve running OK

I spent already whole day googling and trying to implement googled solutions but nothing worked so far... (and yes - I tried many solutions recommended from threads I found here on stackexchange) ...
Sasha Warchoon's user avatar
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Filter list web part on site page for references to that site page

I have a Site Pages library and a Glossary list. In the Glossary list, I added a lookup column to the Site Pages library (allowing for multiple values). I am essentially looking to "tag" ...
regerror6's user avatar
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Search functionality Organizational Chart

Is there any Organizational Chart web part sample for SharePoint Online that has the search functionality which allows any user to search by employee name? I found that Pulmsail already has this ...
SmithBZ's user avatar
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Show private group calendar on other (public) SharePoint site

We have a public communication site in SharePoint Online. Now we want to display a group calendar (via webpart "Group Calendar") from a private M365 group on this communication site. ...
Der_Fab's user avatar
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What is this OOTB Empty Web part?

I can see the below Empty web part available in the Modern Pages. Can anyone provide any details on what is this or any documentation about the same?
Dhruvil Prajapati's user avatar
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List Web Part opens item in classic mode and in new tab

I have a standard modern Team Site created in SharePoint Online. I add a new list, and add it to my home page using the OOTB List Web Part. I finally add an item to the list. When I click on the item ...
Frank-Ove Kristiansen's user avatar
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SharePoint online - Quick links Target Audience

I want to use SharePoint (online) group in Target audience for Quick links web part. But I am not able to do so. Only option is to use AD groups. Is there any other way to map SharePoint group in ...
Saira's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013: Sandbox webpart error after KB5002203

We have a Sharepoint 2013 farm with 2 frontends and 2 backends, running some web applications, one of them is the publishing site of the organization. On this we have some basic webparts that have ...
Francisco Ramos's user avatar

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