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Tile webparts possible

Is it possible when clicking on the tile itself it creates a drop-down box with each individual squares that you can click on it takes you to another page.
Jennifer Don's user avatar
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Filter List View / CQWP/ DVWP by Current Users Department

I have a site that contains a number of lists and libraries many of which has a field that defines what department each item is related to (e.g. image library with department logos, document library ...
John Mitchell's user avatar
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Web-parts do not align on page

Setup: I have a SharePoint page where I have two lists (call it List A & List B). List A is placed in a left-hand webpart zone (any left-hand zone) and List B is placed in the right-hand webpart ...
John Mitchell's user avatar
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Link to SharePoint list that contains a counter

I am wondering if it is possible to create a hyperlink in SharePoint that contains a counter to the number of items in a list (more specifically the number of folders). For example, if I had a ...
Nick's user avatar
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Dashboard in webpart - asks all users if they wanna activate

I have a webpart, showing a Diagram, from a excel workbook in our SharePoint(online) The diagram reads a table from another workbook(also in our sharepoint) and it's set to update all connections ...
DogBuller's user avatar
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I need to add a logo on my Webpart sub-site in sharepoint online

I need to add a logo on my web part sub site. Please see image below. How do I do this? The one on the right is just a place holder but the one on left is live and has link assigned to it.
Lotusmail1's user avatar
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Unable to publish the page in SharePoint 2013

I have created a blank web part page and a custom web part. I have added that web part into the page. After all the changes when i tried to check in and publish the page, the page again goes in edit ...
Akash Choubey's user avatar
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Add column to new document library template

a was trying to found a way to add a new column to List / Document L template!? I want to add a lookuop column to this view, is it possible ?
Man SP's user avatar
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Web Part connections?

It is possible to connect 3 document librarys to the same Web Part ? DocLib A File - (lookUp 1) DocLib B File - (lookUp 1) DocLib C File - (lookUp 1) all have the same columns with a ...
Man SP's user avatar
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Contact Us form webpart provided by Microsoft disappears

In SharePoint Online Office 365, the Contact Us form Web Part provided by Microsoft that I have used for my website suddenly disappears from the page after a gap of few days/months. This happened two ...
Avy Fatima's user avatar
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add a button to export a sharepoint list

I want to add a button in a webpart.(i won't use the export boutton in the ribbon) when I click to the button I want to export my sharepoint list to a excel file. i used this code but when i save ...
nisSP's user avatar
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Issue populating edit forms in Sharepoint 2013

So I have a SharePoint list where on the edit page I have created multiple infopath form webparts, each audiences to a different group with a different view. The problem is that only the first form is ...
Joe's user avatar
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How to modify default site page via features?

I need to set the web part I added to a provider hosted app as a default page in the site via a module. Can someone tell me please how to modify that module in order to load the web part as a default ...
N.Sahraoui's user avatar
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SharePoint content-length limit on POST

Is there any limit on Content-Length when POST in SharePoint (Online version). I'm using web part form, and when the data is too many, any submission on form will result in web part error. When ...
Thanhma San's user avatar
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SSRS 2012 .rdl exposed in aspx page hosted as a web part in SharePoint Online 2013

From what I've read, there's no standard option for adding SSRS 2012 reports to SharePoint Online 2013. Instead, would it be possible to expose a report rdl in an aspx page hosted in SharePoint Online ...
Will Weld's user avatar
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How to get PublishingRollupImage in a sandbox solution using server OM?

I am trying to get the PublishingRollupImage of a list item using the server object model (requirement) in a sandbox solution. The problem I have is that I can't reference the Microsoft.SharePoint....
Peter's user avatar
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O365 autohosted app passing parameters to iframe or alternatives

We have autohosted app web-part for Office online (based of course on Sharpeoint 2013) Ours app is display list of products from database and by clicking on product display information about product, ...
Alex's user avatar
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Embedding images files in sandboxed webpart

Fairly new to SharePoint development but have been asked to into developing some simple web part features for a solution we're working on. I need to add some basic image/logo files into the .wsp for ...
markhlong's user avatar
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Apply Metadata to New Documents based on Lookup Column Value in List Filter Web Part (SharePoint Online)

Ideally, I would love to use jQuery/js for this. I don't know how to use Powershell. In my SharePoint Online App, I have 2 Lists An Item List called 'Cities', with a Title field. Each item's Title ...
TheJDScott's user avatar
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Error while programmatically creating a site from web part SPO

I'm trying programmatically to create a site from a web part, sandbox solution for SharePoint Online 2010. My web part has a text box which displays error messages and a button Create, in which on ...
Ivana's user avatar
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Made for email template options in SharePoint is missing?

I would like to post a news that later will send automated email that broadcast the news that just update in sharepoint. I read about the features that available in SP to be able to do that : Made for ...
Nor Salwa's user avatar
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Trying to upload a web part page in Site Pages and getting Access denied error

While creating a web part page we have option to save it in these 4 locations: Site Assets, Site Pages, Document library and Form template. Using GetLimitedWebPartManager to get the web part manager ...
Simran's user avatar
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How do you adjust SharePoint Online Microsoft PowerApps web part height

How do you set the size of a SharePoint Online Microsoft PowerApps web part to max width (~1440px) by 100px high? The PowerApps size is set to 1440px by 100px. The PowerApps web part appears to be set ...
Brian's user avatar
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Dynamic Filter to Pass a document's link to a webpart?

Context: We're on O365 SP with a classic site using a mix of classic and modern pages (whatever works for the need). Everything is in the same site level. List A has a text field (not a hyperlink/...
hudsonsedge's user avatar
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Lists webpart without scroll

I'm using a list webpart to display a 'Gallery view' list on my SharePoint page. Even with the size option set to 'Autosize - fit to number of items' the webpart is cutting off my last row and showing ...
Bobney's user avatar
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All SPFX Web Parts showing Something Went Wrong (Script Error)

I am trying to develop custom SPFX web parts for a Sharepoint site, and all of a sudden all of my web parts stopped working. When putting any of them in a site, it just shows Something went wrong If ...
Cade Fowler's user avatar
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Ocultar/Eliminar o titulo de Páginas de SharePoint de um Site de Comunicação

Estou desenvolvendo no SharePoint, mas quero ocultar/eliminar o titulo das Páginas do SharePoint. Qualquer ajuda é benvinda.
Ivanyia Gomes Soares's user avatar
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Can you insert images/pdfs and tables into buttons on SharePoint mailto function

I have a sharepoint page I used that has a button which when you click it outputs a mailto function and then gives some text in the body of the email. Is it possible to set it up so that when it opens ...
joe's user avatar
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Classic view display whereas modern experience selected in a list

i got a list which have a calendar view. I use the advanced parameter so that this list will be used in modern experience. When i am on the same list using a calendar view i created it opens the ...
captainclito's user avatar
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SharePoint embedded Power BI report not working with dynamic URL (using embed webpart)

I'm having an issue with a dynamic URL not working when added to a SharePoint page as an embed (using the Embed webpart, not the Power BI webpart). The URL is as follows:
zestyphresh's user avatar
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Running a function within a .ts file that is triggered by a button inside of a separate .tsx file

My issue is that there is an html button that exists inside of my. tsx file, and I cannot get a function to fire When that button is clicked. The tricky part is that I need for a function that exists ...
Java Uzumaki's user avatar
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I need to make my SharePoint page more interactive

I'm new here. I'm working with SharePoint out of the box web parts and found out it is too basic with little customization. I need to make some web parts interactive but could not due to its ...
Adediji's user avatar
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How to pin the edit toolbar in SharePoint?

I have a problem using the SharePoint in the site I am working on. I have a big banner in the head of the page so when I try to edit the content of the page I have to scroll down to select the part to ...
asmaa elyamany's user avatar
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How can I provide access to different user over the Power BI report embedded into SharePoint page

I have a power bi report and is embedded to SharePoint Online page. Now, users other than me if trying to open the SharePoint page, unable to view the Report over the page and getting below error: It ...
Kailash Sahoo's user avatar
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Import web parts from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint Online

I have five custom web parts in SharePoint 2013. Is it possible to export these and then import them into SharePoint online? OR is there another way to add custom web parts to SharePoint Online?
Scots_nerd's user avatar
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Remove/disable toolbar options from Text web part - SharePoint Online

I'm working on an intranet project and one of the requirement is to be able to restrict users so that they can use only a specific font size e.g it could be Normal text but just font sizes between 10 ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Can we open a pdf or ppt document in a dialog in SharePoint online modern site

I have a SharePoint Modern Page with an image web part. The Image is linked to open the a pdf or ppt document. While clicking on the image it opens the file in the same window or tab. Can we open the ...
Kailash Sahoo's user avatar
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Display list views in a web part list

on a modern sharepoint page, i need to display differents views of my list. My list is customized in json with "hideselection:true" For every view of my list, i created a web part list and ...
Hervé 's user avatar
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How to redirect user to the page where the file opened in SharePoint modern site

I have an image webpart in one of the sitepage. The image is linked to open a pdf file and the link is as below format. Documents/24Jan2024.pdf?csf=1&...
Kailash Sahoo's user avatar
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How to put more than one image in one line or one row in Text Web Part in SharePoint Online

I have a text webpart in a modern SharePoint page. Now I have a need to insert 3 different images in one line or over one row. I tried putting the same , but the images are not staying in one line. ...
Kailash Sahoo's user avatar
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Can I import custom css and font in SharePoint online or is there a custom editor web part to build content like a html editor?

Is there a custom web part that can replace the Text OOTB (see screenshot below) in sharepoint to build content pages? I have a customer that is asking if they can lock in a font and css for their ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Highlighted content (search column)

Can we do a custom query on the Description column (Multiple lines of text) in Highlighted content? Can we say: (Path:""...
Harris's user avatar
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what are the best options in embedding power app in SharePoint page

I have been playing around how to best embed power apps to look nice on SharePoint pages but have had no luck so far. When I embed it using any of this ways below (I get all sort of grayish borders ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Error: We only support linking to files in your own organization. Why can't I link to external files from SharePoint Online

I'm not sure if this is a setting some where else. But I have added the domain to allow via the html field security. But I cant get to add an image to link via the image web part or the Quick links ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'IDropdownOption[]'

I'm trying to sold a small error in my SPFx Project. I understand the problem, but I can't find any solution. <DefaultButton className={styles.button} onClick={() => this.addListItems(this....
LeberkäseWhatsappgruppe's user avatar
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How to rout a form entry back to a site homepage not the associated list

Idea: The form upon submitting or canceling should take you back to the site homepage. Current Issue: For some reason upon submitting or canceling on the current one I have created using a call to ...
David Lee's user avatar
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Filter pane in SharePoint modern page

I have a SharePoint list which I am showing on a page. I have to add filter/search functionality for list web part since items in list will grow to up to 800. So I am looking for user friendly way to ...
SBS's user avatar
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List Web Part opens item in classic mode and in new tab

I have a standard modern Team Site created in SharePoint Online. I add a new list, and add it to my home page using the OOTB List Web Part. I finally add an item to the list. When I click on the item ...
Frank-Ove Kristiansen's user avatar
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List webpart: change background color

When I use a list as a webpart the background is plain white (see white behind honeycomb icons and the light blue background of the site panel). Is there a way to change the background of the whole ...
Der_Fab's user avatar
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problem with pnp search result V4 error 500

i am on sharepoint online and i downloaded and used pnp search result V4 last week and it worked . Since 2 days it didn't work anymore and i got a Error 500 each time i try to used it and to put it on ...
captainclito's user avatar