Questions tagged [lookup-column]

A lookup column is a SharePoint list column that retrieves its available values from another column within another list in the SharePoint site.

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2 answers

Additional fields from lookup column not showing in mail notification

I setup a list with a lookup column and some additional fields from the linked list. Everything works good in the SharePoint web site (additional fields show correctly) but the notification mail I ...
Corrado's user avatar
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Add column to list, which shows item-level permissions

Is there a way to create a column, that shows all groups and users (SP groups and AD) that can view this item? I'm not talking about having column-level permissions as this was the only thing I found ...
workerForThePeople's user avatar
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Lookup Category, Subcategory based on column value

I've used the Asset manager template to for a list of the companies machines. I would like to edit the Modell column, to be a lookup from another list. This list contains all models, but also a ...
Mister 832's user avatar
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How to Automate Percentage Complete on Sharepoint List when answers are text

I have a sharepoint list I am trying to figure out how to utilize power automate and flows to calculate a percentage score column that runs an initial calculation and then updates as new selections ...
cme28460's user avatar
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Best appraoch to build a Parent/Child lists inside SharePoint and manage the relation inside Power Apps

I have 2 SharePoint online lists:- Customer Project. Where each project will be assigned to one and only one customer, here is the Project create/edit form:- So i am not sure how i can build the ...
John John's user avatar
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How to retrieve lookup field value in Pnp Core in c#

I am using the Pnp Core library 1.5.0 ( trying to read a lookup value in a sharepoint list. var listNameBookings = "Bookings"; var itemsBookings = await ...
Piero's user avatar
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Getting the ID of a lookup column?

I have a list which has a lookup column in it. "Subcats" has a lookup to "Cats". If I do an ajax call like this url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl+"/_api/web/lists/...
Pete Whelan's user avatar
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How to get multi selection look up value in Power BI report?

I am new in Power BI and working on creating a simple report. I have 2 list - "Country" and "Test" which contain invoice amount. Country is multiselect look up in Test list. I need ...
love thakker's user avatar
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SharePoint Online - JSON formatted Lookup Column - Values not visible when click to edit

Issue Description: I use JSON to format a lookup column in a SharePoint Online list. I click 'Edit in Grid View'. The column value and formatting are appropriately displayed in grid view. UNTIL I try ...
Lititz Lady's user avatar
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Arrange lookup items in a list in SharePoint Online

I have a master list with only Title column only. It is having 100 items. Few values are:- Communication Not Applicable Operation Now, I need "Not Applicable" either at top or at end for ...
Chintan's user avatar
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How to use expand in rest api to get child list records

We have 2 lists. List A is the parent and List B is the child. I want child record details when I am querying to the parent list. Current API: https://url/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('ListA')/items?$...
vaishali's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 List Relationships for Choice Column

I'm working on a 2013 SP site and do not have the ability to use any program with any cloud based capabilities, or Designer because it'll be obsolete. I have two lists. One of the columns overlaps ...
Kayla's user avatar
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Update multi-value lookup column with Flow

I have two list: Item List: contains beside the item name a column "item short" with a shortened string as our internal item registration text. Main list: used like an inventory list. The ...
Der_Fab's user avatar
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Prefilled new item with dynamic value

I need to click on new item and the employee field to be prefilled with correct employee I added this functionality using a code in modern part editor but when I click on cancel button a new empty ...
Simona B.'s user avatar
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Lookup Column for Doc Library

I have a library where users upload trainings for different teams. Each team has a different set of training so as of now, the training dropdown for the Training choice field is so much to scroll ...
BeerusDev's user avatar
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Filter or populate choice/lookup column based on another list without Power Apps? Or format column based on another list?

I'm working on a project where I have a main list called "Requests". It includes a "Course" column (pre-populated) and a "School" single-value choice column. I want to ...
Darryl's user avatar
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Nested lookup columns in a list

For some context, I work within a small design team who cover the whole of the UK. Our business also offer installation services, with various offices around the country. I have a list, Projects, ...
Jonny Wright's user avatar
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Remove Trailing Zeros from Sharepoint List Lookup Field that is based on a Calculated Field

I have two Sharepoint Lists, one of which has a Primary ID field that is a Calculated Field that simply equals the Sharepoint generated ID field. Table 2 has a Lookup field that pulls in this new ...
zestern's user avatar
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Strange error on GetItems. Missing parameter depending on Item

Given: 2 lists (1 calendar, 1 custom list). Calendar has a lookup column to custom list. Within a flow I want to retrieve all items from the calendar which have the lookup column set to a certain ...
Ariser's user avatar
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Column with lookup doesn't show the selected list columns

I am having a trouble with lookup column from one list to other list, the columns are not showing in selection. I have list called Business Case and list Status report, I would like to add some of the ...
Helena's user avatar
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Format SharePoint List row based on empty column using json

How do I extend the solution provided here to highlight a row if, say, column "LookUpColumnABC" is empty? I tried incorporating if([$LookUpColumnABC] == '', if([$LookUpColumnABC] == "&...
endOfTunnel's user avatar
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How to remove HTML in email output generated by Power Automate for lookup columns

My Power Automate solution produces the desired values except I can't figure out how to remove the HTML metadata in the email output. Instead of: {"__metadata":{"type":"SP....
endOfTunnel's user avatar
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Row formatting based on a LOOKUP column value in modern SharePoint List

Modern experience SharePoint List A has a LookUpColumn that retrieves values from NumberColumn in ListB. I need conditional formatting that applies a color across an entire row based on a value in the ...
endOfTunnel's user avatar
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Multiple search on column

I have one list - List 1 with 3 columns (ID, Name, Surname), and another one - List 2 with lookup column connected to ID, but I need the search to be able to work with name and surname columns too. ...
Simona B.'s user avatar
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Grouping, Summing, Filtering to join two SharePoint lists together in a Collection in PowerApps

I am creating a PowerApp that uses two SP lists: PowerAppCalendar1 (An actual calendar in SP). One added field is Capacity TrainingAttendees - the folks who want to join a class use this list This ...
PowerAppGigaward's user avatar
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What limitations should I keep in mind when choosing between single line of text or choice columns?

I have a SharePoint online list that will be populated with data from a Form (MS Forms) via Power Automate. I have some choice (single select, multi-select and yes/no) fields in the form, but before I ...
Darryl's user avatar
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For managing/storing relation between 2 LARGE sharePoint lists, should we use lookup fields or Single line of text field

I have 2 SharePoint lists; Parent list & Child list. Now inside the Child list i need to store the Parent ID. and seems i have 2 approaches:- Use a Single Line of text to store the Parent ID Use ...
John John's user avatar
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Lookup column which reference a list that have 2 million records is not working, the lookup keeps loading forever

I have a Parent list which contain over 2 million records:- and inside another list (Child list) i have a lookup field which reference the above parent list, as follow:- and inside the Parent list i ...
John John's user avatar
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Unable to show the lookup field in datagrid view using CSOM sharepoint online

private void btnGetdata_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string WebUrl = this.listUrl.Text; string lib = this.txtLib.Text; ...
Sarah Biswal's user avatar
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LookUp Column Not Returning Values from Referenced List

I have two lists, A1 and B1. A1 has and "Entity" column and the rest of the columns are user details. A1 Example: Entity column = Starbucks.. Rest of columns = Name, Request Date, Email, ...
Dan C's user avatar
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JSON formatting column based upon added column of lookup column

I have two SharePoint lists. List one has the following columns: Productgroup (text) Min (number, percentage) Max (number, percentage) List two has columns: a lookup column for Productgroup Added ...
Jeroen Voortman's user avatar
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Why using this REST API /_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Mobile Device Request Form')/items(1473) will not retrieve all the fields

I have the following columns inside a SharePoint Online list: But when I tried to query an item using HTTP request, using this URL: https://****
John John's user avatar
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Two Lists: Choice field (lookup column) in first list should auto-filter column in second list. Help!

I have two SharePoint lists on the same site. One list (List A) has a lookup field (called Select Material) that displays the variables in the "Description" column in list (List B). I have ...
Its_Jen's user avatar
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SharePoint SPFx dealing with lookup field

My problem is that when I get the value of the lookup field ('Attachment') its retrieved as an array and I don't know how to deal with it, I mean how do I get the values inside this array, so any ...
Yasmeen's user avatar
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How can I use a SharePoint lookup value in a Calculated field?

I have a list that has 1 field that is a lookup and another which is a calculated field that I wanted to concatenate the lookup value with another field. I worked out the answer below. regards Michael
Michael's user avatar
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How can i make a lookup menu searchable?

Situation: I have a list and a library. The list has a lookup column that allows you to choose multiple documents from the library. Problem: The library has several hundred documents, so it's very ...
Jonas Jæger's user avatar
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Vlookup between 2 Microsoft List

I have 2 sharepoint/microsoft list files. I want to create a reconciliation of two columns( x and y) in 2 separate files/lists(a and b) and spit out the differences into a new file or in a new column ...
Jonnyboi's user avatar
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SharePoint Online: Using JSON Column Formatting to get lookup column value inside Form

I am trying to create a link using JSON column formatting that helps users send an email (it's an anchor element with 'mailto'). The email parameters (the recipient and email body) need to contain ...
Alexandre Monteiro's user avatar
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Advice on how to create my SharePoint lists for a defect detection system

I want to build the following defect detection system in SharePoint. The interface will be built using Power Apps. but currently i am struggled on how to build the SharePoint lists and the relation ...
John John's user avatar
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Semi-colon in an field used as a lookup causes Error:Value does not fall within the expected range

In SharePoint Online, on a modern site, create a list with 2 values. For the first value, use no special characters. For the second value, include a semi-colon. ListOne ItemOne Item;Two Create a ...
user3469905's user avatar
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To overcome threshold error on lookup fields, is it recommended/supported if i only store the parent ID inside the child records inside numeric field

I have 2 lists Child and Parent inside a SharePoint online site, where the child list has a lookup field to the parent list. Currently the parent list has 8,000++ items as follow:- so now when i ...
John John's user avatar
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Lookup Field to pull in values from Choice Column

I have a Customer Table containing info such as Customer # (Number), Name(Single line of text), Bankruptcy status (Yes/No), Currency (Choice). I also have a Invoice table which has a lookup column for ...
Mark S.'s user avatar
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Can we create a lookup relation between 2 lists even if the 2 lists exceeds the threshold limitation

We have 3 sharePoint online lists A,B & C .. where lists B & C has a lookup field to list A. now all of the 3 lists will contain around 1 million record.. so when we create or edit items from ...
John John's user avatar
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Column formatting issue in SharePoint List

I am in need of help on an important topic. So, I have a SharePoint list that uses column formatting for one of the columns to auto-generate it based on some other fields present in the list (these ...
Ashwini's user avatar
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Average score per student in a Sharepoint list

I have a SharePoint list which is a feedback score dump from PowerApps. The PowerApps has a drop down to select which student email(out of many) they are scoring. Every entry is a new row in the ...
RJoseph's user avatar
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Retrieve Lookup metadata using Caml Query?

This "Initiator" is a person or Group column in SharePoint online. I need all metadata(email, key) of this column.
AJ.'s user avatar
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Lookup Column from Associated Site to Hub List (No Power Shell)

I would like to get information linked from associated site list to hub list, such as various project status in individual team site list, will automatically sync to hub project portfolio list. No ...
James's user avatar
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Making a lookup case insensitive in a SP List

I have a list column lookup with another list, however I noticed when I create a new item the lookup is case sensitive and very strict (for example Domain (DNS) won't appear if you type DNS or domain, ...
Anthony's user avatar
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SharePoint Online - Lookup column to other site collection data

In SharePoint Online, there are 2 sites - A & B. Site A has a list called Countries. In Site B, I have a new list called Clients. I want to add a column called Country in Clients of Site B. This ...
user97305's user avatar
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Insert a value from a dropdown to a lookup column in SharePoint Online using CSOM/C#

I have a dropdown with values from a column named Title(Single line of text) The end goal is to store these values from the dropdown to a lookup column named Team. Read a few articles here , However ...
Vivek's user avatar
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