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Questions tagged [list-webpart]

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Modern list web part - voting field does not work

I've created a list and added a voting option (found under the Ratings settings). Users now see a heart-shaped icon depicting the number of likes a list item received and can vote on it. This works as ...
Michael Davids's user avatar
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Collapsed list showing all items on expand webpart SharePoint Online

I am using a classic site on SharePoint online. I have a list webpart on a classic page. I have the items grouped by status, and set to collapsed. When I click open one of the groups, it ends up ...
Aubrey's user avatar
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List web part in modern site does not show any list or the document library to add in share point modern page

I am trying to display the document library using the List Webpart available inside a modern page. When I added the List webpart, it does not shows any list/library to add. Kindly help me in achieving ...
Kailash Sahoo's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2019: List web part New Item not visible

While adding "List Web part" on the home page (or any other page), "New Item" toolbar is not avialble in sharepoint 2019 On-Premise. How can we achieve this functionality? The same feature is ...
user996672's user avatar
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List parameter not provided for web part connection

I'm new in SP and my goal is to have one list, several qChartViews will show list's data and one DateFilter web part to select date range for all charts. I created a list and defined the list ...
indian5's user avatar
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SharePoint List Filter - Apply Filters button

In SharePoint Online, I have a web part page in which I have different SharePoint List Filters allowing to filter List Web Parts. I am facing issues regarding the Apply Filters button, especially with ...
SMART's user avatar
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List table size cutting off

Is there a way to change the size of a displayed list to full screen? Currently my list has several columns that get cut off when viewing the list. SharePoint inserts a horizontal scroll but I would ...
MrNiceGuy's user avatar