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SP 2013 Missing timer jobs: Information policy management and Expiration policy timer job

Creating record centre site for one of our web applications. 'Information policy management ' and 'Expiration policy' timer jobs are missing from job definitions for this perticular web app. I see ...
Preeti Wagmore's user avatar
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Webpart showing all jobs stored in a SPS 2013 List

Created a Content Editor WebPart to show data from a SharePoint 2013 List relatd to Jobs. WebParts works fine, but doesn't looks appealing and was looking for alternate options that would allow to ...
Jason's user avatar
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Add expiration to SPS page in SPS2013

We have existing SharePoint site developed a year back. Currently, we are planning to add a page (Internal Job Posting page) that would allow to add any new jobs with expiration period. Please ...
Eshubh's user avatar
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Potential job as IT Specialist/Sharepoint Developer.. have some questions!

Okay, so here's the deal: I have lots of self-taught experience with web development, with one pretty successful website built on PHP/MySql with a front end of Html, Css, Javascript, and the Jquery ...
Lin Meyer's user avatar
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2 answers

How to have SPSite object available in custom Timer Job?

Here's my FeatureActivated method: public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) { SPSite site; MyCustomJob customJob; SPDailySchedule schedule; ...
Boris's user avatar
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Custom SharePoint Timer Job doesn't run after changing code and restart timer services

I have an issue, Custom SharePoint timer do not take the new code. That package is fine in my server but not working in customer's server. I can't remote to his server to detect this, but he really ...
user2658951's user avatar
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Run Publishing.Administration - method as a Farm Admin

I need to call a method from publishing.administration-Namespace as a farm admin. To be specific: ContentDeploymentJob.GetAllJobs(); When I try to run that code I get the exception that the code can ...
Ole Albers's user avatar
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Accessing connection string in custom job

I have configured connection string in my IIS since I'm reusing it through my sharepoint solutions and custom services running next to sharepoint sites. I'm using following snippet throughout my ...
jjczopek's user avatar
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Web Analytics Reports force update

What jobs do you need to run to update the metrics for Web Analytics Reports? It looks like they update daily, but I am unsure what jobs to kick off to see it update more regulary.
John's user avatar
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MSOCAF Issue - Timer Job Implementation

Microsoft online code analysis framework , as we know i used to analyze the code [.wsp] My code contains the timer job which is activated via feature. After running the MSOCAF on my WSP , i get ...
Monica Jagani's user avatar
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16 answers

Interview questions for a SharePoint developer role

Let's create a list of interview questions for a SharePoint developer role. Please provide one question per entry and the answer (if known). Vote on the entries that you think are the best!