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Questions tagged [https]

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet. Technically, it is not a protocol in and of itself; rather, it is the result of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the SSL/TLS protocol, thus adding the security capabilities of SSL/TLS to standard HTTP communications.

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How to setup HTTPS connections with self-signed cert on SharePoint 2013

I got a problem when adding SSL to my SharePoint 2013 on-premises installation (Windows Server 2012). The website works well with HTTP, and I followed some instructions as following: Create self-...
Tiengphap Pro's user avatar
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Enable SSL Certificate/HTTP to HTTPS Sharepoint Web App - Sharepoint 2019

I have a Sharepoint 2019 on-premise instance running a web app with the following URL: on port 80 without SSL enabled, I set up the SSL following the steps from this blog post: ...
ISeeMangos's user avatar
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How to share a SharePoint Online site with external users which are not in Azure AD via PowerAutomate or LogicApps

I'm struggling with a sharing external users. Normally I go to a sharepoint site and search for an external user (e.g. [email protected]) then I click share and the persons gets the link without ...
Matthias's user avatar
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How can i get the list of users/groups who got access to a certain page or document library?

I want to use HTTP Request to get the list of users or groups who got access to a specific page or document library
Tarek's user avatar
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Set new FQDN to access Sharepoint, but shortcuts link to NetBIOS name

Recently I installed Sharepoint Server 2019 and have attempted to switch from the NetBIOS name to a FQDN. I've set up https in the IIS Manager and set the default zone URL of Sharepoint - 80 to https:/...
mg20023's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a SharePoint login session from JavaScript?

I would like to make an HTTP GET Request using the SharePoint REST API and I would also like to invoke the API based on the fact that my browser is already logged in, so I do not need to explicitly ...
mstaal's user avatar
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SP2013 : Alternate Acces Mapping not working on the entirety of the url

I am missionned to go from HTTP to HTTPS on our SharePoint 2013 OnPremise farm. This farm is made of several wfe (4 - including one for Workflows), 2 application servers and 2 sql instances. Users ...
Gaelle's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010: documents cannot be checked out and are in read-only

We are currently facing a problem with SharePoint 2010 where documents cannot be checked out. We are trying to migrate an old WSS 3.0 infrastructure to SharePoint 2010 and it seems that we have some ...
Lancelot's user avatar
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2 answers

Authenticate to SharePoint using Client Id and Client Secret with python Requests module

I would like to authenticate to SharePoint using Python and the Requests package. This is what I have so fare: from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient from requests_oauthlib import ...
not_a_comp_scientist's user avatar
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Working with https in sharepoint

I have an MVC web application which is calling my Sharepoint Web application to fetch data from lists and libraries. Basically my MVC application is a web site for which data is being ...
Pankaj Dalvi's user avatar
2 votes
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When opening a file, a warning 'insecure or coming from untrusted source' appears

I inherited SharePoint without knowing anything about it and it crashed hard a few weeks ago but we were able to restore most functionality and this is the only thing that is left. When I open any ...
user2169932's user avatar
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Sharepoint Online: How to display internal corporate websites, without HTTPS?

We have several internal web applications that do not require the HTTPS protocol, as they are purely accessible internally within our intranet. Obviously with Sharepoint Online, our websites will not ...
Fandango68's user avatar
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SharePoint C# Feature with http-Requests

I'm trying to make a http request from a C# feature for sharepoint. The request is made inside "ItemAdded" function of a List. The request is made like this: public override void ItemAdded(...
Hilfsschueler's user avatar
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Office Client opens all files in read only if sharepoint is open via https

Since today all MS Office files (Word, Excel) are open in the word Client application as Read Only mode, if I visit the SharePoint via https. If I Change the URL to http instead the Office files can ...
Andy Ho's user avatar
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SharePoint people picker communication with active directory, was it http or tcp?

SharePoint 2013 people picker communication with active directory, was it http protocol or tcp protocol?
Achiever SP's user avatar
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Send an email with SPHttpClient

I'm working on a web part for SharePoint 2016 on-prem and I want to send an email from the current user. I cannot use @pnp/sp library as it's not supported with TypeScript 2.2.2 and I'm unable to ...
Jarek Danielak's user avatar
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[SP2016][Office Online Server] Web Apps don't work on SharePoint https sites

I have issues with my lab environment where I have set redirection from http to https. Everything works fine until I try to open documents in web apps. I am getting error that there was a problem and ...
Mateusz Kuś's user avatar
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2016 - HTTP to HTTPS redirect

I'm using SharePoint 2016. I would like to enable and force redirect to HTTPS, and I have followed this solution and seems to work fine when users ...
Pepozzo's user avatar
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Uncaught Type Error: Cannot read property 'post' of undefined

The below is my code import * as React from 'react'; import styles from './PostTest.module.scss'; import { IPostTestProps } from './IPostTestProps'; import { escape } from '@microsoft/sp-lodash-...
Zi Fit's user avatar
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Can I switch SharePoint to https and do not enforce TLS 1.2?

I am currently using http and I have not enabled TLS 1.2. Can I switch all web applications to https through IIS and AAM and leave the registry settings without any change (not enforcing TLS 1.2)? Is ...
MLC's user avatar
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Search not working for HTTPS. Works for HTTP (Could not find stored procedure 'proc_MSS_GetUrlMapping'.)

We are facing issue with our SharePoint 2013 Search. Search works as expected when accessing site on HTTP. However on searching with HTTPS protocal we get below error. There was an exception in the ...
shoab's user avatar
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3 answers

The property '__metadata' does not exist on type 'SP.Data...'

I'm using Pentaho to make an HTTP Post request using their REST Client. I simply want to change the value of a library's field in Sharepoint. (More details here). If I make this POST request through ...
user3871's user avatar
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Windows Security pop ups 3 times and then I get a blank page

on my web application I am using HTTPS. When I try to access the site inside Web application server the website will display the window security popup and after attempting to log in 3 times, it show a ...
Burre Ifort's user avatar
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SharePoint: Https WebClient Request occurred "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized"

I had the below code in a SharePoint Webpart and it worked properly: using (var wb = new WebClient()) { wb.UseDefaultCredentials = true; var data = wb.DownloadData(@"http://sharepointSite/...
Majid Parvin's user avatar
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Search giving error for external users

We are facing issue in SharePoint global search. Below are it's details; Environment & Configs.: Version - SharePoint Server 2013 Farm - Total two servers. 1st Server is WFE & APP server. ...
shoab's user avatar
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Exception while searching

we have configured a Search Service Application for our SharePoint farm. we have alternate access making configured. The search crawl is working after adding host entry. However, when we search for ...
shoab's user avatar
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Wildcard certificate for apps

I want to set up apps over https. If my certificate is for *, should it work for * I am receiving "Mismatched Address" error.
grisha's user avatar
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SharePoint Workflow doesn't work. (Call HTTP Web Service) Sie haben diesen Thread abonniert. System.ApplicationException HTTP 500

I have following problem with my workflow: The workflow should get every entry from the list which has the same user as the actual column. But when I publish the workflow suspends and I get the ...
Brunnauer's user avatar
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Mixed Content error request has been blocked

We made a new page layout for publishing pages. Then we created a page for our portal with it. We linked javascript libs and css file by relative server addresses! We can show the new page without ...
Celophysis's user avatar
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Microsoft flow gateways issue using HTTPS

I read this article Microsoft SharePoint data gateways only support HTTP traffic; they do not support HTTPS traffic Any ideas ...
Habib's user avatar
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HTTPS and AAM SharePoint 2013

I have set up a new site OOB with http and https , offloading SSL at F5. all is working fine I can access site from out side with https and internally ( by pass F5) with http. However Java Scripts any ...
Umr's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 with HTTPS

I need to create a new Web app accessible from outside with HTTPS and offload certificate at F5. So the communication from F5 to SP server will be HTTP. My first question is: when creating a Web ...
Umr's user avatar
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Is a self signed certificate ok for intranet?

Our SharePoint is running over http and there has been a push to get it to run over https. Some of the guides I've looked at mention that self signed certificates should not be used in production. ...
MickB's user avatar
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SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow HTTP Web Service on POST: Error - The given key was not present in the dictionary

Thank you for reading this. This is a bit long, but I'm trying to be as detailed as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If more info is needed, please let me know. As info, I am not a (...
TammyB's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Web application was created as http 80, after few week they decided to switch it to https 443. So they created AAM in CA, default zone for that WA is still http, internet zone is https. In IIS for ...
Danilo's user avatar
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How to configure WebApp to use SSL

I have a Sharepoint 2013 Farm, with a webapp on it that I have configured to authorize users using A trusted idp, in this case I use AD FS WS-Fed so that I can use claims. I want to change from using ...
Carl's user avatar
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Open web in privileges mode and use it outside

I'm often using pattern where I create class Workspace. This class has some basic functionality and on of them is opening of webs, and also web in privilege mode: public class Workspace : IDisposable ...
PeterMacko's user avatar
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Sharepoint with WCF Service HTTP request

I have a Sharepoint solution with a WCF Service and a simple get method that returns a "Hello world". When making the request however, it doesn't return anything and I don't get any error either. Any ...
sallysway's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 search not working in https site

I have created a web application which uses port 80 and i have extended the web application at port 443 which is a SSL enabled site Example: http://myportal (port:80 -Default Zone -Windows Auth) ...
George's user avatar
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HTTPS for SharePoint Deployments

Do all deployments of SharePoint (Intranet, Extranet and Internet) require HTTPS or only Extranet and Internet scenarios require it? Can any MVP or an MS person please respond, possibly with some ...
Ven's user avatar
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Using Linux Shell scripting to upload a document to SharePoint

Please note that this question was originally asked on StackOverflow, as I didn't know StackExchange had a Sharepoint Q&A board until thoroughly researching an answer to this question. Feel free ...
Nick Bull's user avatar
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Using REST to update list items - cannot set fields to null/blank or overwrite the ModifiedBy field

Using this resource: REST services in SPD2013, I was able to build a dictionary in order to update specific list items on demand. However, I cannot seem to find an acceptable way to set date fields ...
Dinerdo's user avatar
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New Mime Type does not work over https?

I added a new Mime Type for Tableau files (twbx) as described here (although using SharePoint 2013 Enterprise, on premise and didn't set the icon):
tsap's user avatar
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Https certificate warning and wrong issued to domain

our web site registered with a Digicert security certificate and with our domain, but when we open home page it shows a security alert dialog box The name on the security certificate is invalid or ...
adilahmed's user avatar
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O365 site throwing HTTPS Security errors [duplicate]

I have an O365 publishing site that is mostly out-of-box except that it uses a custom master page which implements a little custom CSS. However when looking at the console in IE every time the site ...
thanby's user avatar
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Redirect HTTP to HTTPS using IIS is not working

I have a Web Application. Its AAM is as follows- Zone Public URL for Zone Default http://sharepoint:46543 Internet Custom ...
soccer7's user avatar
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Relative links in client web part for https breaking

I've got a app part that pulls data from a Blog and displays it through REST and Angular. The issue is that if the link in the body is from the same web app SharePoint makes it relative to the app. ...
Christopher's user avatar
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how i can configure my sharepoint web application to only be accessable from https

I'm working on a SharePoint 2013 web application. Currently the web application can be accessed using http only and if I try to access it using https I will get "Page not found" error". Our customer ...
John John's user avatar
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The content processing pipeline failed to process the item - SharePoint Search 2013 error

I'm having a problem with my Search Application in SharePoint 2013. I can crawl successfully on http but not https. Below are the errors I'm facing. The first one below is critical as I have no idea ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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New Site Constantly Reprompts for Credentials

I created a new site but when I try to access it none of my credentials work. I have given my self the correct permissions, but keeps re prompting me. This is a new site with https and a specific host ...
Christopher Reif's user avatar