Questions tagged [gridview]

SPGridview, a class of the Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls namespace, represents a grid view that looks and behaves like a SharePoint Foundation list view.

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0 votes
2 answers

Edit in grid view not working

I am having an issue with editing in grid view. I have few document libraries where users are updating the metadata using grid view. The problem we have is that it is working in some of the document ...
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0 answers

I am attempting to paste emails in SharePoint from one column to another, however only some of the emails populated in the other column

The names are connected to email addresses and when I go to paste them in another column they do not populate. The column setting is Person/Group so that the email will show up. It is weird how some ...
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0 answers

How to resolve e.clvp.Init is not a function error from SharePoint list view?

I have a list view showing below error message whenever I am opening list view. When I refresh the page, the list view will start working again. Any thoughts why this is happening? PS: It is a ...
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0 answers

Dynamically change and restrict "AssignedTo" (People Picker Field) to select from a specific user group on Quick Edit mode?

I have a List A and List B. List A contains the group I want to assign a task. List B contains the person from that Group based on a lookup from List A. However in OOTB Quick Edit Mode it shows all ...
1 vote
2 answers

SharePoint Edit Grid on load without clicking on the edit button

I want to not have to click on edit rather open the grid in editable mode using JS. I inherited JS script which for the most part self explanatory but I am new to SharePoint and have been looking for ...
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1 answer

Unable to show the lookup field in datagrid view using CSOM sharepoint online

private void btnGetdata_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string WebUrl = this.listUrl.Text; string lib = this.txtLib.Text; ...
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2 answers

How to only display the logged in users list items?

I am creating a Expense management application. I have a page that lists the expenses in the system (they click the expense list to view this). I now want to change this so that it ONLY displays the ...
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2 answers

Download all attachments of a list item from grid view

I need to download all attachments of a list item from gridview in a visual webpart. I tried hyperlink but unable to get it. Can anyone tell me how to use anchor tag and use href or any other ...
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1 answer

How to add a GridView to a Visual Web Part?

I'm new to SharePoint and am developing a simple World Clock Visual Web Part, following this blogpost from SharePoint Hero. In the blogpost the instructor describes adding a GridView to the Web Part, ...
0 votes
1 answer

code can't find GridView Controls

I have some code and it is unable to take the values entered from a dropdown list or textbox and output them to a SharePoint List. here is the code try { SPWeb web = ...
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1 answer

How to properly use GridView to create items on SharePoint Lists?

I'm trying to transfer values from a GridView web-control I'm using in a webpart into a SharePoint list, but whenever I click "save" the data isn't being kicked into the list. All that happens is a ...
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1 answer

Display a standard grid for a external list connected through BCS

Environment Sharepoint 2016. Visual Studio 2017. Sharepoint Add-In in a hosted environment. Requirements Display an external list connected through BCS in a standard grid view with possibility of ...
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0 answers

How to get only selected value from Grid-view c#?

In my sharepoint list 3000 items are present.I am displaying this items in Gridview in radio buttoncontrol in single selection.At a time user can select only one item. But using gdvColumns.Rows it ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to perform search on SharePoint list bound to a gridview

I have a SharePoint list which is bound to an gridview, I further want to search every column. Is there a way to perform such a search wherein there is no database, but search should be ...
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0 answers

Bind Sharepoint list data in gridview

I have two SharePoint two lists- A and B. A has two columns- Id and People(Person or Group). B has three columns - Id(lookup from A list),name,email. In list A, a single item can have multiple person ...
4 votes
2 answers

Facing issue in binding Kendo UI grid with SharePoint list

I am facing the issue in binding Kendo UI grid with Sharepoint List. I am getting following error, Uncaught TypeError: $(...).kendoGrid is not a function I have added scripts in the following order,...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I achieve conditional formatting on a gantt chart?

I have created a Gantt view on a list, showing the Gantt chart and several columns. One of my list columns is a R/Y/G status column. I would like the cell that displays the R/Y/G status to show the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Set gridcell value in quick edit with javascript

I have a new item form (masterdata) which should have several sub items that are stored in another list. The sub items should be entered using grid view and linked to ne newly created item. My ...
6 votes
4 answers

Refreshing page or making it to respond after downloading the file. All happening in Webpart

I'm having a Visual Webpart that allows user to select Managed Properties and find out what is stored inside it. The result is displayed inside a gridview which he/she can export it to excel. It is ...
0 votes
2 answers

Problem with GridView on Sharepoint

I tried to insert rows on GridView ASP.Net control. I tried this code: DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["Nr"] = string.Empty; dt.Rows.Add(dr); GridView1.DataSource = dt; ...
0 votes
4 answers

SP2013: Disable Column in GridView

I have a list which is shown in gridview (Quick Edit in the ribbon). Now i want to disable one column with jQuery. This might be possible by applying the attribute aria-readonly="true" to the ...
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1 answer

Gridview with dynamic radiobutton list

I have created one grid view with radiobuttonlist as shown in figure. radio-button list items are bind dynamically from SharePoint list. When I click on submit button, unable to get selected radio ...
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1 answer

SP - When click buttonToExcell page stay blocking

My problem is, where i click a button for export in excel, all buttons in my page not working, when refresh everything is okay. This is my code for btn to excel: oid btnToExcel_Click(object sender, ...
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1 answer

I would like to create a customize grid view on a sharepoint page in SP2013

I would like to create a customize grid view in SharePoint using a list that has already been created. the tools I have to do so are SharePoint designer and a CEWP. I have some coding experience but ...
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0 answers

Gridview Databinding method in sharepoint

I know I have done something wrong so I need some suggestion about writing the below code. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;...
1 vote
1 answer

Null Reference error in gridview code

While debugging I found that ItemID value is getting null. I am trying to get the list item's ID. ItemId = GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); Can anyone please tell me what could ...
2 votes
1 answer

Attach document from SharePoint List to GridView

I have a SharePoint 2010 list, which has attachments!! I am using a custom grid-view to display some selected List fields from the list. I would like to include the attachment as an embedded ...
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1 answer

Index out of range for delete in gridview

The following is the code to delete a row from Grid View and update the Content list thereby. But it gives Index out of range exception. protected void GridViewD_RowDeleting(object sender, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Delete function in DataGridView of custom webpart

I have used a DataGridView in a custom webpart to show a list and add an auto delete button in it, but delete function is not working. Below is my code for the same: protected void ...
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0 answers

How to create grid view for the Custom List

How to create a grid view for the custom list, It would be better if someone explain, how it can be implemented through JavaScript or Jquery using webpart.
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2 answers

Get SharePoint List data & Bind to Gridview by Client Script

I need to get data from SharePoint List using Client Script (JavaScript) and bind same data to GridView using Client Script (JavaScript, JQuery, etc...) kindly suggest me on this.
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1 answer

XML Document Missing Column / DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'myColumn'

I kept getting the above error when trying to bind an XML document to a GridView. The problem is that some of the XML documents were missing the column and some weren't for some unknown reason. The ...
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2 answers

Bind in GridView in a VisualWebPart not evaluated

I have a VisualWebPart with a AspTemplateField that should bind a field but it doesn't The code is the following: <SharePoint:SPGridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="...
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2 answers

Is it possible to bind a sharepoint grid view to a list view(and not the original list)?

I have created a grid view which is binded to a list. I have also created a list view for this particular list with some filtered data. I want to know whether is it possible to bind the sharepoint ...
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0 answers

Gridview for picture library with link

Is there a out of box way to use the picture library on a page that will have grid view with link on the picture?
3 votes
3 answers

GridView lookups displaying as "id;#value"

I am using an gridview. The datasource is SPList.Items.GetDataTable(). The gridview is working fine; however, lookup and multilookup columns display as "id;#value". Is there any way to just ...
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1 answer

Link button issue inside gridview in sharepoint

i have link button inside gridview. can some one help me to form proper URL for this <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="View" > <ItemTemplate><asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkView" ...
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2 answers

Sharepoint list column changes not getting updated - bug?

I have created a list in SharePoint 2010, initially had the columns - Title , Mobile and Email Id. Then I used a grid view (Visual web part) to display these fields. Later I changed the field Title ...
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1 answer

Stop working of submit button after the last day to submit set by admin

I have a grid view and and a text box which submits the value after click of submit button. I have set a last date to submit the value. Now I want that after that date, no one should be able to write ...
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1 answer

SPGridView PageIndexChanging does not hit when debugging

I have a SP grid view which has loads data in a IList (data added to iList from DB). When the pager pagination arrows "< >" are clicked the pager sometimes loads the same set. When I tried to debug ...
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1 answer

how to use the gridview in SharePoint 2013 Hosted App

I want know how to use the grid view in a SharePoint-hosted App. Can any one provide information on this?
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1 answer

How do you display a list of users with full control?

I am currently working on creating a visual web part that displays a list of users with full control to a SharePoint site, along with their loginID and email. The code I've written lists all the users ...
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1 answer

My gridview does not display.

I am creating a web part on SharePoint that shows site owners and their email addresses. I am able to show that information in a listbox, but I would rather do it in a gridview. When I change my code ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do you display information in multiple columns programmatically in a web part?

I am developing a web part (not a visual web part) that displays the site owners of a SharePoint site and their email addresses. Right now I am displaying the information in a listbox. It displays the ...
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0 answers

LINQ to SP Problem

I have a following var resultsMarks = from mItem in MItemList.ToList() select new { ScienceGroup = mItem.ScienceGroup, ArtsGroup = mItem.ArtsGroup, CommerceGroup = mItem.CommerceGroup, ...
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4 answers

How to fix width of column in SpGridView?

I have a spgridview with dynamic column. I want fix width and if the content is a part of it is displayed. I use this code but don't work for me . BoundField col = new BoundField(); col.HeaderText =...
3 votes
1 answer

Multiple Media Web parts for Videos in a list?

I want to create a video library for users to upload videos. These should be displayed with a Media Web Part. I would like to be able to have on web part for each video so it becomes a list like so: ...
2 votes
2 answers

Sharepoint field not found exception

I am querying a SPList in sharepoint 2010 and populating the corresponding grid view: <asp:DataGrid runat="server" ID="gridView" AutoGenerateColumns="false" AlternatingRowStyle-BackColor="...
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1 answer

Check box in gridview should update the splistitem check box

I am a newbie in visual studio. I have a Sharepoint list which contains the following fields group name, user, section and active(which is a check box) . I have a grid view visual web part which will ...
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1 answer

Display two dates in one gridview column, but hide second date if the same as the first date

I have a gridview column which displays two date values. I would like to hide the second value in cases where the two dates are the same. <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Date Range"> <...