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Questions tagged [google-maps]

A global mapping service provided by Google that allows free access to high-resolution photographs of the surface of the entire earth.

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3 answers

Google maps in SharePoint Page

I tried to embed Google map to a Sharepoint page by using the Incorporation Web Part, I past the code in the text zone, but the map doesn't work. I get an error that the content can not be displayed ...
Amine's user avatar
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Map MarkerIcon referenced from a different SharePoint view

Having followed the below blog to get location items in a list on Google Maps I am trying to get my custom markers to show on the map without them being in the default list view. Whilst they're now ...
surfnode's user avatar
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Click list column, show item on Google Map

So I have this map working in SharePoint Online that is pulling column data into the InfoWindow and users can navigate the map and click on locations - this is all fine! (using JSLink) What I want to ...
surfnode's user avatar
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Map Marker Modal Dialog to List Item

I am using the below string of code to display an InfoWindow (bubble) for a map marker. I have a "Details" link that opens the list item associated with the map marker in a new tab. Ideally I want ...
surfnode's user avatar
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1 answer

Google Map List View InfoWindow help required [closed]

I have used the guide at the link below to setup a list in SharePoint to pin locations on a Google Map. I am now trying to implement InfoBoxes so ...
surfnode's user avatar
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1 answer

Why I am not able to turn on location in browser for my JavaScript app?

I have created an app with javascript that uses the current location and I have build the app on top of SharePoint. I am using the above code. If I run this app in Sharepoint I am not able to use the ...
Nderon Hyseni's user avatar
2 votes
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Maps functionality in a list

I want a field in my list to be able to do the following: Display an interactive map, When I click it a pin is dropped on that location, I enter a Title and a description for that location, The ...
Bjorn's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't load google maps JavaScript file in SharePoint hosted app

I am building a SharePoint hosted app where I am retrieving the user's location in coordinates. I am trying to reverse geocode these coordinates using google maps api. But I can't load the google maps ...
nayakasu's user avatar
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2 answers

Geolocation column and address lookup

I would like to setup a SharePoint 2013 List that has a column called Address to plot a pin marker on a map. The key requirements is that I do not have latitude/longitude information but only address ...
Ushka's user avatar
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Use page field data in my script/snippet

I am using the following code to display a Google map in a SharePoint 2013 code snippet. <style> #map-canvas { width: 100%; height: 500px; } </style> <script src="https://...
Stephen's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any free good google or bing interactive map?

I already have a list of the all stores with their lad and lon. I am looking to hook this list with map. map will display the store names and other key data. possible?
Andy Smith's user avatar
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1 answer

SharePoint List & Bing Map [closed]

Is for free?
Mike conway's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Google Maps v3 on Web Part page

Has anybody been able to implement Google Maps v3 on a Web Part page (SharePoint 2010)? The maps render fine if I display them in a separate .aspx page, but as soon as I try to embed the code in a ...
Christophe's user avatar
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