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"The system cannot find the file specified" message while deploying new feature

I'm trying to deploy a new feature on sharepoint 2010 with scope web. The deploy seems to run successfully, but the feature is not prensent in feature manager. While visual Studio deploys the ...
hello B's user avatar
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Deploy a single feature using SharePoint Management Shell with SharePoint 2013

I have been working in a development environment and deploying my custom web part features from Visual Studio directly by just hitting F5. I now need a way to deploy features separately to a test ...
Fenoec's user avatar
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Enable-SPFeature doesn't work, but activation via Site Settings does. Why?

I have a weird problem... I'm trying to deploy a sharepoint solution in production. This project works fine in the test environment, but in production trying to enable the feature returns this error: ...
Maurizio Pozzobon's user avatar
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Can't find WebApplication scoped feature

I've deployed a wsp that has 2 features. The one scoped at a web level is listed where I'd expect to see it and activates without a problem. The feature scoped at a web application can't be found ...
JᴀʏMᴇᴇ's user avatar
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Web-scoped Feature falsely activated during Visual Studio deployment

In Visual Studio I have a solution containing two features with their Scope set to "Web". These two features work as expected but the only thing that is going "wrong" is that they are activated when I ...
Abbas's user avatar
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workflow inactive - after deployment?

my workflow is deployed through the following script in SharePoint 2010: # Set CurrentDirectory $callingDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $...
Rotaney's user avatar
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When Re-activating Feature, All Content Shows Up Twice

Let me preface this by saying that I am brand new to Sharepoint, so the answer to this question may be obvious. I have a blog feature on one of my Sharepoint sites that I need to make changes to. ...
Henry Wrinkler's user avatar
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How can I make sure the features in my solution activate in the correct order?

I'm working on a fairly large SharePoint 2010 project. We have broken up the code into a number of solutions, each containing a number of features which we deploy via powershell and activate in the ...
Tim's user avatar
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Hooking feature reciever issue

I have invalidly hooked feature reciever. Feature has two configuration files The first, SharePoint looks like this: < feature xmlns:dm0="
Peter P's user avatar
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Enable-SPFeature not working

I am using PowerShell script to deploy and activate a feature in the same script. Everything works fine and I can see my feature in the Sharepoint Root folder (14 hive). I run it using Farm Admin. ...
Jay Bhagatwala's user avatar
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Activating a WebApplication Scoped Feature for a particular WebApplication

I developed a SharePoint 2010 WSP that contains a custom HTTP Module for performing short-url redirects. The WSP also contains a WebApplication scoped feature that consists of a feature receiver that ...
Mark Bell's user avatar
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Is it possible to deploy SharePoint solution (WSPs) via feature activation?

This seems to me an uphill task in SharePoint but is it possible to deploy the WSPs via SharePoint features? For instance, if we activate a certain feature then some specific SharePoint solutions (...
Falak Mahmood's user avatar
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Deploying .dlls to the web application bin folder using .wsp fails with feature recevier

When deploying .dlls to the bin directory using a .wsp my feature receivers seem to blow at the deploysolution stage as they cannot find the related code for my feature receivers. How can I handle ...
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