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Questions tagged [external-data-column]

The External Data field type enables users to add data from external content types registered in the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service metadata store to SharePoint lists.

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1 answer

To add a new column in the external list

I have created external list to retrieve SQL data into my SharePoint via External Content Type (ECT). Everything working fine till here but the problem is when ever i want to add a new column to the ...
kiran kumar's user avatar
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How do I make the secondary fields for an external data column show in list forms

If I add an external data column to a SharePoint list and chooses to add one or more secondary fields, the secondary fields happily appear in list views but not in list forms. How do I make the ...
DmytroL's user avatar
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Using the REST API to view an External Column in a list (Not an External List)

I have done some research and it does seem possible to read an External List, but I am trying to read an External Column within a regular list. How can I use the REST API to view an External Column (...
Bret's user avatar
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An error occurred while retrieving data from "". Administrators, see the server log for more information

In my list, i used an external data column. but i get this error when I try to retrieve the list of Investment manager. How i can fix that please?
Jihen's user avatar
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2 answers

How to populate external data columns in a custom SharePoint 2010 list

Hello fellow SharePointer's. I am currently working on converting a custom solution to a more out of the box solution. I need to populate a SharePoint list with data from a SQL table which meets a ...
Michelle Luke's user avatar
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Update column having external data as data type using CSOM

I have a list which contains a column having data type as "External Data". I want to update that particular column using CSOM. I have tried below code: ClientContext clientContext = new ...
DRS's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 bcs item limit

I have an on premise SharePoint 2010 implementation. I need to implement a custom form with 65 fields which has rich text, drop downs and some complex filtering logic on the form. I want to load the ...
user1339913's user avatar
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How to correctly update specific columns in an external database through an ECT?

Here is the scenario: I have an External Content Type based on a specific table in an external DB. The table itself has 33 columns, my ECT exposes a total of 13 of those columns, 7 as read-only and ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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ReadOnly columns in External List: SharePoint 2013.

I want to make some fields ReadOnly in External List in SharePoint 2013. I have tried JavaScript and SPUtility approaches as guided in this blog, but unfortunately did not work. In SharePoint Designer,...
Merin Nakarmi's user avatar
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How to add an External Data Field to a list using Powershell

I have created a BDC model using Visual Studio and deployed it using a WSP to the server. Next I want to add an External Data Column (Field) using a External Content Type in the BDC model to an ...
pac w's user avatar
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Select Default Filter in BDCM File

When working with Business Connectivity Services (BCS) and Business Data Connectivity Model (BDCM) files, does anyone know in the code where to set the "default" Filter and hide the option? Right ...
Brent Ellis's user avatar
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How to do a Filter in a BCS External Data picker

I am using an OData web service with BCS (testing with Northwind) and I would like to define some filters when using the External Data picker. I'd like to be able to have a drop down that then ...
Brent Ellis's user avatar
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External Data Column keeps showing wrong value

I have created an external data column that allows you to search by one of the columns. The column is a string in the following format: number-number. For example, "001-001". I have a large range of ...
user11457's user avatar
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How to change URL in search results from custom quelle

Given a database table with following columns: ID, TEXT, URL. This table contains some useful links to external sites. In Sharepoint 2010 we have added this table as a custom search source. How to map ...
Igor's user avatar
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2013 BCS in Designer: data source objects do not exist

We've inherited an SP2013 solution, which had previously been upgraded from SP2007. The BDC service was converted as well, and appears to be working in most respects - external lists, external ...
Vassal's user avatar
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Google Analytics from External Site display in our internal sharepoint site

Currently we use google analytics for our external outside facing site. The OOB reports are handy but we often export the results into excel and coorelate the data with other data using the url as a ...
Peter K's user avatar
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BCS Managed Client Code Get all method instances

When using the class Microsoft.BusinessData.MetadataModel.Entity entity; does anyone know how to get all the External Content type operation method instances so i can dynamically pass the value to ...
monkeyjumps's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 BCS External Data Column

How do I return all entities without using entity.GetFilters() ? I have the following and I can only seem to produce a FilterCollection. I would much rather have just all the enities because i am ...
monkeyjumps's user avatar
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BCS Question (changing data source of a web service)

We are going to be building a Web Service (on-premise) to connect our data to SharePoint online (o365) using BCS and OData. If we migrate our database from one location (in Oracle) to another (e.g. ...
Brent Ellis's user avatar
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Workflow to Copy Item to a Library with External Data field?

I have a workflow that is triggered when a item is approved, it looks at the status and copies it over to a archive library with a external data field. Problem I am having is when the copy happens ...
Colby's user avatar
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Declare Record with External Data Field?

2 Part Question: If I delcare a record on a item that has a External Data field will that field change if the column in that table is updated or will it remain static? And if it does change, is ...
Colby's user avatar
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Secondary lookup columns for external content types not displaying data in list after refreshing from primary

I have created a SharePoint list that has a lookup column to an external list. I also have instructed SharePoint to display several secondary columns that are related to that primary external lookup ...
Ami Schreiber's user avatar
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DataJS to Read from ListData.svc not Returning All Fields

I am attempting to use Data.js to read from the ListData.svc but the service is not returning all of the fields that I want. Is there a way that I can specify the view fields or something? The fields ...
Robert Kaucher's user avatar
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How to Reconcile External Data and Multiple Values for a List Item?

I am currently developing a solution that requires me to integrate a SharePoint 2010 list (generic list type) with items from a SQL Server database. In addition to this hypothetical field being ...
Robert Kaucher's user avatar
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Will SharePoint 2013 support multiple values for External Data column?

It's been answered before that SharePoint 2010 does not support "allow multiple selections" on an External Data column. However, does anyone know if SharePoint 2013 will support this feature out of ...
Caleb Doise's user avatar
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3 answers

Setting Value of External Field in Code

I cannot seem to find any examples of how to set a BCS External Field via code. I have two lists that both have a BCS field named "Industry". When an item is created in List A I need to create a new ...
Robert Kaucher's user avatar
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Select Box from External Data Column Not Working

I have a control that refrences an EDC (added to the list as a lookup) that I have added to an application page via the following markup: <SharePoint:FormField runat="server" id="Industry" ...
Robert Kaucher's user avatar
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Declarative (CAML) BusinessData field

I am trying to create a List template definition declaratively (using CAML) which includes a External Data column and several secondary columns. I created a custom list via the UI and exported the ...
Rex M's user avatar
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External Content Type and Entity Framework

I have been struggling with this project for about two weeks now. I have successfully created an External Content Type using Visual Studio and have deployed it. I was also able to use the SharePoint ...
Jason's user avatar
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Data first in SP, then in External database?

I have a customer with a customer database which represent projects. The DB only manage approved projects. I'm working on an application than have to works with project in both early stages (project ...
Steve B's user avatar
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External data column is not included in enterprise search

I have added an external data column with secondary fields to a document library. It is filled with values from an external content type in a BDC Model. The document library items show the correct ...
Hatch's user avatar
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External Data Column no sorting by a string based additional field

Can anyone confirm or tell me why you can't sort by an External Data column additional field if its type descriptor is a string? It works for int, bool and guid type descriptors. If I add a standard ...
Phill Duffy's user avatar
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Problem with Refresh button on External data column

I'm struggling with refreshing items on list with external data. So far I have been able to make the refresh button work, but only when I add items to list in a standard way (via browser). When I add ...
matt137's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom BDC External Data column errors "No exact match was found"

I've created a custom BCD for SharePoint 2010. It works well, i can create a list, view all the items, click on an item and view it. I am now adding this to a list as an External Data column. The ...
David Lozzi's user avatar
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