Questions tagged [date-time]

Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.

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36 votes
6 answers

REST API filter by start and end dates using 'today'

I'm new to filtering dates with REST in SP but am trying to do something like below but am not sure how to get today's date in as a variable into the request. I don't think I'm too far off so any help ...
Aaron's user avatar
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1 answer

Can anyone color code a column with an if statement?

Here is what I am trying to do. I have a SharePoint 2010 list that I want to color code dates based on that it expires 364 days after the date entered. Example: If the date is older then 334 ...
Christopher Hanson's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

REST API filter by month

I would like to filter a datetime field but I only want to filter MONTH var requestUri = "xxxx/getByTitle('Contact')/items?$select=CellPhone,mdate,ddate&$filter= Birthday ge '" + today + "'"; ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Send email reminder for 'rolling tasks'

I have used this question and Vedran's answer to have reminder emails being sent out based on a Date field. It has worked really well and has meant I can avoid using the unreliable 'pause until' ...
Tally's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Check for empty date in SPD Workflow

Question How can I check for an empty date condition in a SharePoint Designer Workflow? Background I have a list called "Project" with multiple date fields. I have a calendar called "Project ...
skeletank's user avatar
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4 answers

CAML query not working

I have written following CAML query to Retrieve items which are due in 7 days, It doesn't seems to be working, Please let me know what I missed ? string internalEndDate = web.Lists["List Name"]....
Jithu's user avatar
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2 answers

Capture static date & time when list item "status" column changed to "6-Completed"

Using a Sharepoint List to capture issues and tasks and need to be able to determine how long each item has spent in a specific "status". "Status" column has choices as below; 1-...
PCB's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

DateTimeField and timezone conversion problem

It seems that the datetime value which is entered into a DateTimeField is always stored as UTC no matter what timezone is configured for the current user. Only the output on the page is displayed in ...
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1 answer

Range of Dates that start in 2017 and end in 2018

I am trying to use Flows to get a range of Dates as Integers that start in 2017 and end in 2018 I get my Data from the Get Events (V2) Connector and getting the Start Time and End Time to get the ...
Patrick O Reilly's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

On Sharepoint 2013 how do you show the last modified date on a page layout

Currently have a page layout were I would like to be able to display the last modified date of an article. However I can't see how this can be done as there's no snippet in the snippet gallery were ...
Neil McKay's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Extract data from meta data field and copy to new field

I have a managed term set which provides date meta data for a column used by accounts. They tag a document depending on the period (month and year) it relates to. What I wish to achieve is to have a ...
Tally's user avatar
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2 answers

Find Interval Between Dates Problem

I have a very odd problem, one that's been baffling me for over a week now. I have a workflow designed to create a new task a set period of time in the future once a current task expires. These tasks ...
fuandon's user avatar
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1 answer

Seconds since item created with REST. Perhaps use server current time (clock)

I'm trying to find the most correct way to determine the amount of seconds since an item was created. My first approach is to simply diff the Created property with the browser time, e.g., moment()....
eirikb's user avatar
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Exclude weekends

I am working on a vacation calendar project. I have a custom lists with 2 columns, one being StartDate and the other NumberOfDaysTaken. I am using a simple SharePoint formula (=FromDate + [How many ...
Jawalla's user avatar
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3 answers

Formula to show differens between dates without weekends and holidays

If anyone know formula without code in SharePoint 2010 to show differens between dates without weekends and holidays, I'm trying to find solution but no result so far ... I will be veru gratefull for ...
Wilon's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

CAML Now Instead of Today - CAML Bug?

I have a CAML query, in which the <Where> node looks like: <Where> <Leq> <FieldRef Name='PublishedDate'/> <Value Type='DateTime'> <Today/> </...
RJ Cuthbertson's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Safest way to get a date from Sharepoint into a C# datetime field, using object model?

If I have a Sharepoint list item with a date field. How can I get the field value populated into a c# datetime object? For example: DateTime validfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(item["validfrom"]); ...
JL01's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Why is central admin time different from server time?

I have seen this question asked before (not here) but have never seen anyone with a genuine answer, usually people provide lots of info surrounding how Sharepoint has a different timezome for each Web,...
robwilliams's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

How to set the Default value of a Date/Time column to next Friday?

I did some poking around in the documentation for Calculated field formulas, but I don't see anything that would help me do this. Does anyone know if it can be done? Can you point me in the right ...
Abe Miessler's user avatar
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4 answers

REST service $filter Date column

Using the REST services, I'm trying to filter by the Created column, which is a Date data type. When trying to $filter on that column, I passed in the same date format that comes back in the JSON ...
Chris Jaynes's user avatar
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SharePoint JSOM datetime values in different timezones

I am working on a solution (on SharePoint Online) which is used by users in different timezones. SharePoint site is configured for "W. Europe Standard Time". Following occurs: A user from US creates ...
Suleyman's user avatar
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4 answers

Get difference in Minutes for DateTime format column

I have a formula for calculated column which gets the date difference in hh:mm format. =TEXT([COLUMN2]-[COLUMN1],"h:mm") But I want to get the difference in just minutes. I created very complex ...
e.ozmen's user avatar
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3 answers

SP2013 javascript client object model - get server time

My client machine and server machine has time offset of 2:30 hours. So when I try to retrieve Date/Time field using JSOM, it gives time according to offset. oListItem.get_item("Modified"); So how to ...
Yayati's user avatar
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3 answers

Set default value of Article Start Date to [Today] with CSOM

I'm struggeling with setting the default value of ArticleStartDate date-time column using PowerShell and CSOM. Bakground: I have a content type, used by a page layout, inheriting from Article Page ...
Robert Lindgren's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

SharePoint Designer - How to get current server datetime through JavaScript REST?

Is it possible to get current date time of SharePoint Team Site hosted server through JavaScript REST API?
Sathish's user avatar
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1 answer

How to format Date in Content Query Web Part?

I have a CQWP in which I am querying the data from a document library. ItemStyle being used is "Title and Description" Title displays the title of the Document and the in Description I have given a ...
users1100's user avatar
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Access Uploaded Document's Original Creation Date in SP2010

I've spent some time searching this site and others but haven't seen a conclusive answer to this question: is there a non-code way to display the original creation date for an Office document in a ...
AurumPotabile's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Sharepoint 2013 - custom display form - time/date not formatted correctly

I have an issue on my display form with formatting. I have set the language and region correctly - and chosen time and date in a friendly format. When I enter the time and date it all looks fine - but ...
garvon-77's user avatar
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2 answers

Format Date using CSR (dd.MM.yyyy)

I´m using SP2013 and i have a Shift Plan which colors the row from TODAY in yellow. var today = new Date(); // zero out the time portion so we will only compare days today.setHours(...
Pa Trick's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Document Library Date/Time gives "Invalid datetime value" error after changing site regional settings

Using Sharepoint Online, I've created a new column on a document library "Expiry Date". This worked fine until I changed the sites regional settings from English (United States) to English (United ...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

JavaScript SP.CamlQuery() return DateTime fields with offset (in my case +11 hours)

JavaScript SP.CamlQuery() return DateTime fields with offset (in my case +11 hours). In standart Display/Edit forms and views display correct DateTime. How to get correct DateTime via SP.CamlQuery()? ...
user1167761's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to display date in Page Layout in specific format

I am using the following code to display date in a publishing page layout. <SharePointWebControls:FieldValue runat="server" FieldName="Created" id="CreatedOn"/> This displays both date & ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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1 answer

How to default a date field to a particular day of the week?

When a new list item is added, I'd like a date field (Date From) to be defaulted to Monday of this week, as well as another date field (Date To) to Sunday of next week (creating a 1 week span Mon-Sun)....
Jerry Dodge's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SharePoint color formating

I have a Date column in the list and it represents Expiry date. I need the field to be colored red if the date has passed, orange if the expiry date is less than 30 days, green if the date is more ...
Djela's user avatar
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Power automate, copying date column from online excel to SharePoint list

I want to copy date column from an online excel file to a SharePoint list column. My flow does not update with the date column, it is returning blanks. Does there need to be formatting to my ...
Jonnyboi's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

workflow 2010 will show a Date equal to 01/01/0001 inside the email, if the Date is empty

I am working on SharePoint server 2013, and i create a new Workflow 2010 inside Sharepoint designer 2013. now inside the Workflow i set an email which contain the following value:- [%Current Item:...
John John's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why can't I get this calculated field to work?

I'm trying to create a calculated column (text) which contains a combination of 3 other columns. I've asked another similar question but that was a different subject - now I'm trying to do this in a ...
Jerry Dodge's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Date column value changes because of DST

A list includes a column "Date" of type Date and Time, Date and Time Format is Date Only. An item is saved via web-service and is set to value such as 2013-04-01T00:00:00Z. When this same item is ...
zzandy's user avatar
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1 answer

Updating a list item using date() function

I have a column [ScheduleTime] which is a DateTime type in my List. Using JavaScript i need to update the [ScheduleTime] column which should be Current Day whenever my script loads. But here I need to ...
Mathikumar's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Simple flow to update a specified time/date field with the current time not working - see screencaps

I have created a very simple workflow that should update any item that is created/modified with the current date-time, leaving all other fields the same. However, the current time is applied to ALL ...
taylort139's user avatar
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Need to show time difference in negative

I need to calculate a difference between two times and it should show negative value if the value is negative. Say Time 1 is 29/04/2019 11:30 PM and Time 2 is 29/04/2019 12:00 PM. I wat the difference ...
Pravin Sakthivel's user avatar
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How can I align Date modified with Date last saved?

I still have this problem with Sharepoint 2010 and Windows 7, i.e. Excel or Word documents edited from within Sharepoint display an outdated Date modified in Windows Explorer view. However, the 'Date ...
gerdami's user avatar
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date column validation

Is it possible to validate the end date to be not greater than by 30 days over the start date? So if the Start Date is February 18, the End Date cannot be more than 30 days past February 18. Thank you....
George's user avatar
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Showing only last six months in a dropdown

I have a month column (a choice column) in my document library. Its format is, for example, "Jan 2013". I have the following requirements: The month dropdown should always show only the ...
nivi's user avatar
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1 answer

Designer Workflow: "Find Interval Between Dates" action not working

I am testing a default SP Designer 2010 workflow action called "Find Interval Between Dates" located under the "Utility Actions" category. I need to compare the amount of time passed between the ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

Saving date on sharepoint profile

I have a method on my code that stores the birthday of users on a Sharepoint profile property (BirthDay). This property only accepts the format "yyyyMMddHHmmss.0Z" so i have the following code: ...
C. Hoffmann's user avatar