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Questions tagged [co-authoring]

Co-authoring feature in SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint Online to enable multiple users to work on a document, at any time, without interfering with each other's changes.

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Co authoring in Excel and Word when using SharePoint 2016 and Microsoft 365 (Formerly Office 365) client

As per this article, Excel for Microsoft 365 does support co-authoring and every user must use same version.
Frank Martin's user avatar
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Multiple Authors for list element

I have created a Canvas App connected to a SharePoint list. I need the setting to be as follows: Users should all be able to create new items Users are, per default, only allowed to see their own ...
Sara L's user avatar
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Requirements for coauthoring in SharePoint 2019

We have around 50 power point presentations and we want to coauthor them. we have around 30 users. we want to invest in SharePoint 2019, but does SharePoint server 2019 support coauthoring? If so, ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
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Can we allow users to edit a word document list fields (properties) while other users are modifying the word document itself

Inside our online document library, 2 users can edit the word document content at the same time using the co-authuring feature. but if someone is modifying a word document content and another user ...
John John's user avatar
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SharePoint Online - Excel File locked by User

We have a excel file in SP Online for which Co-authoring is enabled. But very often the file gets locked that too with a particular user account. The user (on whose name it displays as locked), he ...
George's user avatar
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Initiating co-authoring of Word file in Sharepoint Online from other web application UI

We have files in Sharepoint Online (and OneDrive) in our O365 tenant, but Sharepoint Online is not used as UI for our internal systems. So now the requirement came up to initiate co-authoring in this ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Co-Authoring for Office documents inside sharepoint document libraries, can we do it when opening the documents using desktop applications

One of the features end-users always use, is the co-authoring of Office documents mainly excel sheet, where they open the excel sheet inside the browser, and 2 or more users can edit the document at ...
John John's user avatar
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Excel file locked by another user

I have an Excel file shared widely on SharePoint. Most users open the document with Excel Online. A couple times, I've seen when a user opens it with the Excel client, it then locks the file for ...
Eliezer's user avatar
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Co-authoring in Sharepoint 2016 on-premises without Online Office Server?

Is co-authoring available with desktop app MS Word 2013 in Sharepoint 2016 on-premises without any Office Online Server? I have a single Sharepoint 2016 server, checked out is turned off in the ...
Ivanhou's user avatar
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Word and Excel co authoring in SharePoint 2016

There is a lot of confusion on this topic so I just want to confirm if following is true: Word = Supports co-authoring via both desktop application and Office Online Server/Office Web App Server ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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On-prem Office Online Server don't show users markers when users co-working with documents

We have SharePoint 2016 Farm (build version 16.0.4417.1002) and Office Online Server (build version 16.0.6814.2226). Our issue is that Office Online Server doesn't show users markers when multiple ...
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Bypass Office Web App and always use Coauthoring?

I believe we're on SharePoint Server 2013. I'm a user running Firefox 64-bit. I'm looking for a one-click solution to opening a Word doc or PowerPoint in my desktop application, instead of right-...
Glen Y's user avatar
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How to enable co-authoring on a SharePoint wiki page

I am trying to implement co-authoring for a SharePoint wiki library. I have configured versioning and the other prerequisites are met as stated at
kirti's user avatar
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Configure the maximum number of co-authoring authors in SharePoint 2013 at Farm Level

With the help of below script and based on my requirement I am able to set my limit for co-authoring the authors for sharepoint documents at site collection level $siteurl = "SiteURL" $mysite=new-...
MSA's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 document co-authoring is not working with office client application

We have SharePoint 2013 on-premises setup with office web apps. Document co-authoring works when multiple users are editing same word document in browser but if they open and edit into office word ...
Dhaval Kariya's user avatar
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Onpremise Sharepoint 2016 - realtime coauthoring

Does on-premise Sharepoint 2016 offer real-time document co-authoring in desktop versions of Office (Word, Excel)? I've tried to do research but couldn't find convincing answer. Collaborate on Word ...
kamilz's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 unable to co-author

lately, I am unable to co-author the power point slide in SharePoint 2013. the error shows The file is locked but it was not locked by any users. what could be the issues?
Irene Lee's user avatar
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Co-Authoring Scale

At what scale is co-authoring supported? For example, is 100 co-authoring an excel spreadsheet or word document supported? More than 100 people? Does co-authoring work at the same scale on-premises ...
motionpotion's user avatar
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Co-Authoring in Office Web Apps 2013

I am using SharePoint Server 2013 And I am opening the documents from the library using Office Web Apps. Everything is working Fine, but when two users started working on the same file (Excel, PPT, ...
N.Sahraoui's user avatar
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Office Online Word Online 2016 on premise - Coauthoring flags not showing

I have on-premise installations of SharePoint 2016 and Office Online. When my colleague and edit the same document at the same time in Word Online, the changes automatically show up within seconds in ...
chabzjo's user avatar
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Co Authoring in SP 2013

We are trying to configure co-authoring on one of the doc libraries. We open a Word 2013 Docx document in one PC and try to open the same document on another PC. But instead of collaboration we get ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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Tracking Changes in document by different editors

We use co authoring in our SP 2013 portal. Different users with edit permission work on the same document and on saving a minor version is created. Can the document owner (creator) track this changes ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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Co-editing PowerPoint in SharePoint 2010

Is it possible to configure SharePoint 2010 to allow co-authoring / co-editing of PowerPoint decks simultaneously?
aak2394's user avatar
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Send an email with a link to open document in browser to simultaneously edit a document

I'm very new to SharePoint so some help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to create a workflow for the following process: A user moves a document into a document library with several other ...
djones12's user avatar
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Configuring Co-Authoring in SharePoint 2013 site collection?

How do I configure Configuring Co-Authoring for SharePoint 2013 site collection for MS Word or Excel documents?
CollaborationGuy's user avatar
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Need Co-Authoring confirmation

Imagine a scenario when User A opens a word (.docx) document from a document library (Ent SharePoint 2013). Office Web Apps server then generates the document via the browser. User A then decides he/...
user51488's user avatar
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How many documents have been co-authored?

I need to prove that collaboration is happening. One suggestion is to use measure the number of documents which have been co-authored in the past month. Does anyone know how to do this ? I've been ...
Dorje Mckinnon's user avatar
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What is the recommended maximum number of co-authoring authors?

When configuring the maximum number of co-authoring authors as instructed here, what is the recommended maximum? Or is there a guideline for computing the recommended maximum number?
Celbester's user avatar
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Co-authoring is not working in SP 2013 Site Collection

In one of my site collections on my SP 2013 web application,the Co-authoring feature is not working while using MS WORD 2010/MS WORD 2013. Want to know any other features/settings need to be changed/...
samolpp2's user avatar
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How to handle Excel sheets with macros

We have an Excel sheet with Macros on it. We uploaded the Excel sheet into SharePoint Document Library. When the Excel is opened using Excel Online, Macros do not work. So in order to make Macros work ...
Mee's user avatar
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How many users can edit the same list together?

We are using SharePoint 2013 on-premise. We are planning to collect all staffs' (over 5000) information using a list. The list contains several columns with first column is the staff ID. All the staff ...
Mark L's user avatar
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Co-authoring in MS Word occasionally does not save the latest version to the SharePoint server

I am having a major issue with co-authoring the Microsoft Word documents in SharePoint 2013. It is difficult to reproduce the original issue but, here is a scenario: Three different users, User A, ...
GMalla's user avatar
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Simultaneous working with Excel in SP2010

Is it possible to work with multiple users simultaneous on the same excel document in SP2010? If possible without the excel web app. Extra... Is it possible to work with different versions then? ...
Ruben Herman's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 Co-Authoring Excel

Are there any other settings, besides disabling "Check Out", to enable Co-Authoring in Excel? When I open Excel, all I get are the options in the image I attached. I do not get the "Edit" option ...
Dipesh Goel's user avatar
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Authorizing SharePoint Site with username and password

I wrote a method which will convert the word documents in a sharepoint library into PDF. public WordToPDF(string fileName, string filePath, string userName, string passWord) { //Code to convert ...
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Word 2010 co-authoring. What is required to get it working?

I like the Word 2010 co-authoring feature I have seen but a few things are a bit vague to me, mainly around what is required to get it working. Is SharePoint 2010 required? If so, is SharePoint ...
Jaap Vossers's user avatar
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