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Questions tagged [caml-designer]

U2U CAML Query Builder was used to build, test and execute CAML queries for SharePoint lists.

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Unable to get exact result for CAML Query

I am trying to execute below condition in REST , But OData in Rest doesn't support null . I would like to execute below condition in CAML Query and Pass to REST. Tried using CAML Query ,But I am ...
MSA's user avatar
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CAML Query for sorting Multiple fields not working

I had written the below line to sort multiple fields using CAML query, But it's not working. Can any one help what's the issue. camlQuery.set_viewXml("<View><Query><Where><Eq>&...
MSA's user avatar
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List Name is Undefined using clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('Tabletop Sessions');

I have used below code to get all the items of the list .But I am getting error as "List Name is Undefined with below code". But When I use rest _api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Tabletop Sessions')/items ...
MSA's user avatar
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sharepoint CAML query in Ascending order

we have webpart that fetch the data from the sharepoint list camlQuery.set_viewXml("<View></View>); now i am trying to do sort the display by enddate (ascending order) camlQuery....
karthik's user avatar
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Can I reach the lookup column's data with CAML query?

I want to reach the list's data. There is lookup column. I am using CAML query. But when I create a query with CAML, I am seeing look up columns like Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue[].I ...
f_gulay's user avatar
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CAML Designer through ADFS authentication

I cannot seem to authenticate via CAML Designer for a SharePoint 2013 on premise installation that is using ADFS and Windows auth for authentication. In my case, all Windows Users have a deny access ...
James Grizzle's user avatar