Questions tagged [calendar]

You can use a calendar list to store team events, including meetings, social events, and all-day events.

324 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Filter styled list webpart using XSL stylesheet

So I have .css and .xsl code turning an out of the box SP calendar list into a pretty events list. I have a different image for each month and my code is long but works perfectly. I also have a ...
KimBrian's user avatar
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How to filter a calendar events in list view based on moth and weak view in calendar view?

I need to filter a Calendar list view based on month and week view, I mean I will add calendar view web part first then I will add my custom web part to show the list view, Think is list view need to ...
Debugger's user avatar
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Custom Action CommandUIDefinition Location for Calendar All Events and Current Events Views

I am trying to create a custom Action for Ribbon Menu for calendar list for SharePoint using CSOM. I am able to create custom action for the calendar view Successfully with the below code, I am ...
TARUN's user avatar
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using SSRS to generate a report based on a Calendar in Sharepoint 2013

We use the calendar in SP2013 to collect information when a user is away on holiday and when there will be any visitors. It works fine as a calendar but now struggling to generate a report in SSRS to ...
Bucki's user avatar
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missing calendar days

I have a calendar as a webpart however I wanted to show the the days in the header right on top of the days. Here's how it is now: I wanted for it to have something like this:
Pradeep Kumar's user avatar
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Can OOB calendar be used as both shared and personal?

Can we use OOB calendar as both shared and personal i.e. When an authorized user (I will create a new group for this purpose) adds an event then it is viewable by all users When a user himself adds ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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Calendar Workflow not working

I am trying to read a calendar and whenever it finds a task it sends a mail.
Mohamed Ayach's user avatar
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Calculated Column based on [Start Time] showing series start date instead of event start date on recurring event

On my Calendar list I have recurring events. I have a view that wants to filter on the [Start Time] of the event but that field isn't available in the filter options of a view. After some research I ...
Neberu's user avatar
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calendar overlay from multiple web app

SP 2010 Calendar from multiple web application does not show up for users. I can see all 6 calendars in the overlay since I am in the farm admin group. I confirmed that users have access to all 6 ...
Kristina Cortez's user avatar
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Share a Calendar with another Sharepoint Site

I'm in an organization that does not have a global Sharepoint. My department (Department A) is attempting to adopt Sharepoint for our purposes. Another department (Department B) has been using ...
mkingsbu's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010: Missing Calendar View Buttons

I have a calendar view for a form library. When I look at it in SharePoint Designer (2010) it showed the buttons to toggle to Month, Week, and Day views, but when I publish it, those buttons are ...
Kris10jill's user avatar
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How to Update Another List Item Value Whenever Current Item is Approved

I would like the following functionality: Approve a calendar item Run some workflow which will update a value on another list I have tried the following Item Change workflow using both 2010 and ...
Bassie's user avatar
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SP Calendar 2013 sync w/Outlook 2013 group calendar

I have 9 group calendars that I am trying to sync with SP2013. I am unable to get them to sync up with the Outlook calendars. When I try they just sync up with a new "Reports Calendar" on my Outlook ...
Carrie Sweeney's user avatar
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Creating a Standard "Day" View for Calendar, not showing Recurring Events or Events that span over several days

I'm trying to create a standard view for my calendar, to show Today items only. I'm successful with the filtering for this, however I cannot figure out how to get it to show Recurring events or events ...
Chelsie556's user avatar
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Calendar and Task synch with Outlook: deprecated in 2016 ver?

I have a doubt on a paragraph I read on this page In the list of deprecated features at n. 8 it ...
susan's user avatar
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Creating calendar alerts automatically for external users

We have set up a Sharepoint online site for a customer using their Office365 subscription, which has about 10 different subsites. Employees are licensed and have user accounts via their Office365 ...
Kristian's user avatar
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Calendar Events not returning in Search

Items created in Event Calendar are not being returned in a site search. Is there something needed for this?
tomsmithweb's user avatar
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Calendar Overlays

I've got about 9 calendars overlaying at the moment, I want to make it easier for less computer minded staff to turn these calendars on and off from view. Is there a way for me to put some simple ...
HyperionX's user avatar
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SP 2010: Attach Recurring Calendar Event to a Meeting Workspace sitting in a SUBSITE

To better organize the work of several teams we need to have an additional subsite/folder inserted between the ROOT (this is where the shared calendar is available) and the WORKSPACES. There are ...
Srutu-tutu's user avatar
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Need to update multiple SharePoint calendars

Since I'm headed out of office next week, I'd like to update all of my SharePoint projects' calendars. Right now, I have to enter my OOO time in my Outlook, then go to each SharePoint project site ...
Roga Danar's user avatar
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Custom Calendar Display Form Not Showing Recurrence Data Correctly

Can someone please help and provide the details I need to be able to display the Recurrence Data correctly on a custom Display form (dispformcustom.aspx)? The default dispform.aspx shows the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Event view in Calendar app

I have used 2 web parts different views of same app(calendar) in single page. One web part having calendar app(calendar view) and another having Calendar app(events list view). I want to display ...
Sachin's user avatar
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Calendar Approval Flow

If a member adds an item to a calendar I want a workflow to first check if that user is an admin, and if so I want that calendar item to be automatically added without a workflow... Then begin the ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Syncing Multiple Calendar Views

I have a page with multiple calendars. Is there a way to synchronise the view of all those calendars, so that for example moving to the next month on one of them also moves to the next month of all ...
Mark Thompson's user avatar
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How to create a calendar with task count?

I need to create a calendar for 4-5 set tasks that get assigned to a set group of 40-50 individuals. That part's easy enough, but I also need to be able to show a WTD and MTD count of each task ...
zhris's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a list matrix?

Is is possible to display a sharepoint list matrix? I have table I wish to display as a matrix. The columns (or rows) contain indicate months, and the rows (or columns) indicate departments. The body ...
Oxossi's user avatar
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Get only future events from calendar list in SharePoint 2013 Rest API

I'm using SharePoint's rest api to get the coming events in a calendar, with the following query: /_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('Agenda')/Items?$top=3 How can I change this query to get only events for ...
Brachamul's user avatar
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How can I display recurring Events in CQWP with item type "event"?

I have a CQWP to display a list of upcoming events for the next 2 weeks of every calendar on a site collection. To do so, I use a filter Attribute only available when choosing "event" to be the item ...
Alex's user avatar
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Sharepoint calendar add new item correct date

I've got a calendar in SP2013. When I navigate to a specific day in month view and click the +Add on that day I would expect the default day value filled in for start/end to be the day I clicked, not ...
Rothrock's user avatar
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Mapping a Picture URL to a Calendar Content Search Webpart in SP 2013

I created a Calendar library and added two new site columns; one type an Image and the other a Hyperlink. Then mapped an image to both, that I want to use as a reference with the Picture URL. ...
Steve Montague's user avatar
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Javascript won't work in Chrome

I've a problem with my SharePoint-Javascript. In IE and FF it works propably fine, but in Chrome it won't work. The script is called on a refresh of the main page and auto adds some users in a ...
user42772's user avatar
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Custom calendar colors when move forward or backwards in months

I've been able to get custom colors working on my calendar, but when I go to previous month or next month the colors don't persist. To attempt to remedy this I've tried making a click event to get ...
zingwing's user avatar
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How can I get displayed date of a Calendar view in Day mode via Javascript?

I have a custom calendar list with Calendar view, when adding a new list item I want to set Date field to the clicked date. Or even a date range Is there a simple way to achieve this? I there a way ...
xumix's user avatar
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How to create a date spanning workflow?

I'm having trouble in SharePoint Designer 2010, trying to create weekly emails for all items listed within a weeks time. So for example I want a weekly email to go out each Monday that will show the ...
Capurnicus's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 with Calendar email?

I have connected a simple Calendar in SharePoint 2013 with my Outlook, however, I would like for it to accept incoming email and automatically accept meeting invitations to display on the SharePoint ...
Kam's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 Calendar Error when change Content Type

Recently a calendar was created in a Site Collection with a personal content type and a personal column. When I tried to save after adding a new event or modifying the event, I have the famous error ...
TheMo's user avatar
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how to invite people to events on our sharepoint calendar?

My company is using office 365. They have a shared calendar on SharePoint where they post various events like meetings and social times. The recruiters would like to be able to do two things. 1) ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Add New Calendar item default All Day Event

Is there any way to make "All Day Event" the default for adding a new calendar item without running a script. Our environment does not allow scripts to run so I cannot use the jquery.min.js to perform ...
Valkn's user avatar
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Calendar - Only display available resources

I have a resource calendar. Is there a way to limit the resources based on the date user picks when they want to reserve a resource. For example, user clicks on 1-26-2015 date and conf room 3, 4, and ...
Josh's user avatar
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Show Exchange Calendar on MySite for All users

How can I make everyones MySite page to show their own calendar, and everyone can see each others calendar (Preferable just busy or not and not the whole title). Is there a way to do this ...
williamwmy's user avatar
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Calendar under Web Part in Sharepoint

is it possible to show 3-month period of a calendar under a web part in sharepoint? Basically, it only shows per month period (which is the current month). Is there any way to customize it? In this ...
Dee Castle's user avatar
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Calender integration

I want to integrate office 365 calender to any other third party calender. So that third party authorized person can create,update meeting schedule between Office 365 and third party tool using that ...
Trimantra Software Solution's user avatar
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Change default Calendar events to have dropdowns populated by SP Lists

I figured out how to change the fields in a calendar to add extra info about events. Is there a way that I can take the fields that popup when I try to add a new event and get a dropdown table based ...
user3380049's user avatar
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SP 2013 Calendar - Change View: Day, Week, Month on the fly

So what I'd like to achieve is something like the image below which enables our users to change the view of the home page calendar on the fly. I've attached this mock up gif of what I want to ...
Sam's user avatar
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Calendar Overlay: Retain colors when click on views

I created views based on a category field and then created calendar overlays based on those views. The view I created were all calendar views as when I first created standard view it didn't show up ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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How can I get the Calendar Overlay to save when saving the calendar as a template?

I have created a custom calendar with 2 custom content types displayed in different colours using conditional views and a calendar overlay. When I save the calendar as a template, the calendar ...
Billie Mcgrane's user avatar
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Can I get A calendar to show a filtered and aggregate view

I would like to place a master calendar on the parent site and display it on eleven subsites, using a filter to display relevant content. Can I do this? I was looking at the content querry web part ...
rigamonk's user avatar
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Create a Sharepoint Calendar with multiple outlook Calendars?

I am trying to create a calendar on our SP site that has my teams schedules on it. I wanted the information to be pulled directly from Outlook. I tried to use the Calendar Overlay option but it only ...
jvonesh's user avatar
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Set End time on form for a calendar in SharePoint 2010

I am upgrading a calendar from the 2007 template to a 2010 template and found that for 2 years worth of data, nobody set the end time for the events. When I switch over to the 2010 template, none of ...
David Higdon's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Calendar presentation configuration (not showing events in Outlook style view

How do I make the calendar entries come up in the tabs of the calendar (first screenshot)? I can make it come up just as lines of records (second screenshot), but not entirely sure why the same data ...
user1979457's user avatar

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