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Need help with column validation on a single line of text field

I am looking to validate that my field always starts with the following text before allowing it to be saved "inc", "sctask", "prb", "chg", or "ritm". ...
drgaprilfool's user avatar
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How do I write validation statement to require a day of the week?

I have a field in a custom list called "WeekOf". I have a default statement that populates the date as the following Monday, but some people are entering for future weeks and then add a ...
ahowes's user avatar
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Field Level Validation - Require Non-blanks on Numerical Fields

I have a custom SP list with a handful of non-required numerical fields. I'd like to write a column validation rule for each that would force users to enter any value >=0. Our users will be using Data ...
Nerd Gorilla's user avatar
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Validation setting for Date Sharepoint

I want to apply validation setting so that my "ActionDate" should be always greater than 2 year and 6 month. I can able to set greater then today but how to set it should greater then 2 year ...
kumar's user avatar
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