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2 answers

Newly created site denies access to members

I'm using the REST API to create a site in SharePoint Online and add an AAD security group to the site member group. When one of the AAD group members tries to access the site it displays the access ...
Adam Vannatta's user avatar
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2 answers

Where is the membership of security groups stored in SharePoint Online?

I have a security group in Azure AD that I use for permissions on multiple SharePoint sites. It takes a few hours for edits made to the security group to sync to SharePoint, so I know SharePoint doesn'...
spDevAdmin's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to use a SharePoint group from another site? (SharePoint Online)

I have an Office 365 Group in my tenant, and it is connected to SharePoint ( It is also connected to Microsoft Teams, and it has a private channel (...
spDevAdmin's user avatar
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1 answer

Can you share SharePoint Online content (pages, sites etc) with Mail Enabled Security Groups Synced from On Prem AD?

I have been advising all my users to use mail enabled security groups for permissions and sharing content in SharePoint. I know for permissions, best practice is to use mail enabled security groups in ...
Krishant L's user avatar