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2 answers

Can we add/define Office 365 security group to be able to add/remove users from all the Teams

We have created a security group named TeamsAdmin, as follow: and we want users inside this group to be able to add/remove members/owners from all the Teams entities we currently have: so is this ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a SharePoint group from another site? (SharePoint Online)

I have an Office 365 Group in my tenant, and it is connected to SharePoint ( It is also connected to Microsoft Teams, and it has a private channel (...
spDevAdmin's user avatar
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Adding Azure o365 group to MS Teams

I am working on a task which requires the involvement of MS Team at a broad level. The scenario related to the issue I am facing is that we have an MS Teams and we would like to add an existing Azure ...
Shreshth's user avatar
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Authenticate to Microsoft Teams

Trying to connect to Microsoft Teams with app only azure AD authentication with the following command: Connect-MicrosoftTeams -ApplicationId GUID -CertificateThumbprint "thumbprint" -TenantId GUID ...
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