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Questions tagged [app-fabric]

AppFabric is a set of middleware technologies for Windows Server, released by Microsoft.

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SP 2019 - Distributed cache service is not configured on server(s)

I have been troubleshooting this error for quite some time now. AppFabric service is running, Cache Host shows up, but I still see this error in SP 2019. I am also seeing Event ID 6398 in Event Viewer....
aberrytech's user avatar
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AppFabric ConnectionString not updated after change of Database Server Name

I have used the command: stsadm -o renameserver -oldservername <oldServerName> -newservername <newServerName> to rename my SQL Database Server. When I run Get-SPServer after a restart ...
Saz Mifsud's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016: appfabric error on windows server 2012 data center R2

Hi we are having this error. For a long time we tried to uninstall it and reinstall. It solved the problem but now an error 1603 comes. If any one can help us with it we will be so thankful.
khawlah's user avatar
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DistributedCacheService Consuming A lot of memory SP2013

The Distributed Cache on our WFE is consuming too much memory (50% of the server, almost 6GB out of 12GB) It seems like we have AppFabric 1.1 along with the other services it's consuming 95% of ...
Mike's user avatar
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AppFabricCaching Service DOWN in SharePoint 2016 On Prim [closed]

Please find powershell script used below & do the needful. James Please find image here. Am unable to add this image in comments.
creative monk's user avatar
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Installing SharePoint Foundation 2013 Prerequisites on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

I am trying to install SP 2013 Foundation Prerequisites on a Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard environment. Unforunately, I am not even able to get past the prerequisites. First, it was throwing an ...
Ven's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2016 installation fails during prerequisite installation

I am trying to install sharepoint server 2016 on a 64-bit Windows 10 server OS but the installation fails during prerequisite installation. The error is due to the following line: Cumulative Update ...
anibjoshi's user avatar
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Dist Cache/AppFabric not installing on new WFE in a DMZ

Does anybody have any experience with adding a WFE which is in a DMZ? Trying to do this for a client and whilst the correct ports seem to be open, the install/config script dies on the step to ...
ChaosWorrier's user avatar
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Issues in Installation of SharePoint Foundation

I know this issue has been raised many times in the past, but I have already tried many things with no success. Can anyone please help? I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard with 8GB RAM with 2....
Ven's user avatar
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Error configuring Sharepoint 2016

I have an error while configuring Sharepoint. How do I unblock WCF data services and AppFabric files and reinstall them?
Shanmukha M S's user avatar
3 votes
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How to install SharePoint 2016 with AppFabric Problems

I have downloaded and installed all of the prerequisite installation files for SharePoint 2016. I even installed AppFabric. Afterwards, when attempting to install SharePoint, I receive the following ...
Kermit Love's user avatar
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Is it Safe to DELETE SharePoint AppFabric Logs (.ETL)?

My SharePoint WFE contains AppFabric Logs (.ETL) files Location: C:\ProgramData\Windows Fabric\Fabric\log\Traces e.g. File name: "lease_traces_131189918650268910_000051.ETL" These logs are from 2 ...
user868150's user avatar
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AppFabric Testing - How do I know SharePoint is utilising it?

AppFabric had a status of DOWN however I was still able to view SharePoint pages etc (though had lots of errors in events viewer). I now have AppFabric UP (In windows services Application Fabric is ...
Orange Juice Jones's user avatar
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AppFabricCaching Service DOWN

I'm trying to troubleshoot why App Fabric Caching Service is DOWN on SharePoint 2013. I'm new to the installation so unsure of history. The following line gives an ONLINE status Get-...
Orange Juice Jones's user avatar
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AppFabric and Distributed Cache sharepoint 2013

We have been experiencing intermittent problems for users that access SharePoint 2013. Sometimes the images are distorted and other times some sites do not render. Error 'something went wrong' appears ...
Orange Juice Jones's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Pre-requisites failed to install app fabric

SharePoint 2013 Pre-requisites installation failed with error "Windows Server AppFabric: installation error" After checking event logs, below error is logged. "AppFabric installation failed because ...
Saurabh Jawalekar's user avatar
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AppFabricCachingService status' Down'

I'm running SP2013 Enterprise and this is in my QA environment, not production. Recently my WFE became unresponsive. I removed it from the farm, ran get-SPproducts -local on the other servers (2 APP ...
Arale's user avatar
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2 answers

Which account Between the mysite App Pool account and the Farm Account to run AppFabric

I am having trouble with getting user profile properly running, and mostly I've been advised that it's because of permissions. So my question is which account should run the AppFabric Caching Service ...
Ed Charles Diesel's user avatar
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Distributed Cache/App Fabric configuration and planning for SharePoint 2013

Farm: 5 servers (2 WFE, 2 APP, 1 SQL) Here are some questions I have to avoid issues with the health analyzer around the distributed cache and app fabric service. I'm planning to have distributed ...
Ryan's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 AppFabric Installer Skipped

Trying to install SharePoint 2013 in VirtualBox and for some reason the AppFabric installation is always skipped. All other prerequisites have been installed. I referenced the following post: ...
web-dev's user avatar
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AppFabric unable to create a DataCache (LMTRepopulationJob FAILS)

Well first of all, I am learning sharepoint 2013 and I have been following a few tutorials, so far I just setup a farm and everything seems to be working properly except for this service that is ...
luis_laurent's user avatar
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Strange permissions related issues, depending on server

We have a three server SharePoint 2013 farm, 2 WFEs 1 APP/CA server. We were trying to get SQL reporting add on installed to one of the front ends. After the install it started behaving strangely, ...
Snowburnt's user avatar
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The AppFabric Caching Service service terminated unexpectedly

The event viewer of the WFE server recieves errors regarding the AppFabric Caching Service: AppFabric Caching service crashed with exception {6d304b9000000000000000000000000} failed to refresh ...
adilahmed's user avatar
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Get-CacheHost shows OK on one server but Unknown on other server

I have the Distributed Cache service running on three servers in my 2013 farm. I was attempting to take it off of the WFE so it would only run on the two existing Application servers, or what will ...
TWUBrett's user avatar
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“Failed to initialize SPDistributedSecurityTokenCache ”

I am getting following error in sharepoint log: SharePoint Foundation DistributedCache air4g Monitorable Token Cache: Failed to initialize SPDistributedSecurityTokenCache ...
Cleopatrakent's user avatar
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WindowsFabricAdministrator group is missing on Windows Server 2012

AppFabric Service is not running on my server. To resolve this issue, somewhere I found that client account should be part of following groups: WindowsFabricAdministrators WindowsFabricAllowedUsers ...
user2493287's user avatar
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Newsfeed Posts Disappear

My post in the newsfeed disappear after 1 min and trying to change the cache for the appfabric but it's not working and i stuck here how i can change this setting for my newsfeed ?
Abdullah's user avatar
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cumulative update package 5 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 encountered error

When patching App Fabric 1.1 CU5 I encountered " the Feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable." I used the instructions provided in KB document to capture the temp ...
allegro octopus's user avatar
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Do we have to install App Fabric/Distributed Cache CU update in all servers in Farm?

I am thinking of patching App Fabric/Distributed Cache service in SharePoint 2013 farm. I have 1 WFE and 1 App Server and I only have one host in my cache cluster that is in WFE. Now while applying CU ...
allegro octopus's user avatar
1 vote
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SharePoint 2013 - User Profile synchronisation and appfabric error

I try to start the User Profile Synchronisation service, it starts but then stops again. When I press "start", the Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service is up and set up correctly but ...
D.Nadir's user avatar
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Caching using AppFabric for custom application on SharePoint 2013

I decided to use Distributed Cache of SharePoint 2013 on a separate dedicated Appfabric Cluster as recommended by MS for my custom application. I will have one application server running only ...
Sudhakar's user avatar
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How do I decrypt Cliams Identification Encoding:

I recenlty encountered exception in Distributed Cache services, When i looked at the logs i found out certain user account had timed out while trying to access App fabric services. In Sharepoint logs ...
allegro octopus's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

SharePoint 2013 AppFabric Installation Error

I have installed SharePoint Prereq in an offline mode and all the configuration running well I have configured AppFabric and connect it to SQL Database The IIS identify the AppFabric and the AppFabric ...
Helmy Mohamed's user avatar