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Manage user access in SharePoint hosted add-in

I'm developing SharePoint hosted add-ins and I need a way to manage user access to the apps I'm developing. For example, I have a site with 3 different SharePoint add-ins that access to lists in the ...
Brank Victoria's user avatar
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Unique permission for document library which contains more than threshold documents

I have document library which contails 6000 docs and threshold limit is 5000. I am facing below eror while trying to give unique permission for that library. Please suggest. I do not have server ...
Bhaskar Dhone's user avatar
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Access Denied on use of AppPrincipalManager

We are getting the following error Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource. when executing the following code AppPrincipalManager ap = ...
Davy's user avatar
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CSOM Item Level Security "Cannot add a role assignment with empty role definition binding collection."

I am trying to create an app that will set item level security for certain items in a library. However, I am getting the error mentioned above after these lines: item.RoleAssignments.Add( grp, ...
wjervis's user avatar
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List and list item permission and security in Sharepoint hosted App

Having created a SharePoint Hosted App which allows users to add records to a list i noticed that the list is accessible via the URL if the user knows the name of the list. If you access the list in ...
Stephen's user avatar
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SharePoint hosted App permission

I deployed a SharePoint hosted app. Can Someone explain to me the permission scope Web? My app has to create lists and items on the site. Which permission do I need? If I want to publish the App on ...
Nk SP's user avatar
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Problem getting web templates and creating subsite in custom code from app only context with tenant fullcontrol permission

I have an autohosted app that has a tenant FullControl permission. I have the following code running out of a remote event receiver that executes when some item in a list is modified. ...
Pieterjan Spoelders's user avatar
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SharePoint app permissions clarification

Could you clarify permissions that are used by SharePoint App? I see two cases: app works with host web app works with app web There are three kinds of polices: User Only Policy App + User Policy ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Why can't my SharePoint-hosted app write to its app web?

I have a simple SharePoint-hosted app which wants to create an item in a list in its app web. (Explicitly not in the host web.) That's all. If my understanding is correct, no special app permissions ...
Heinrich Ulbricht's user avatar
4 votes
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Set list item permissions in Workflow 2013

I've created a workflow inside an "App for SharePoint 2013" project. I need to set special permissions to the curent list item inside this workflow. I read this
alisa's user avatar
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How to setup unique permission for a web which hostes app?

I created SharePoint-hosted app. When it is installed a new web is created. I would like to break role inheritance for this web and configure own groups. I found out that I can perform these actions ...
Alexander's user avatar
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