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Cascading Dropdown source file

I have a solution (wsp) called CascadingDropdown.wsp which is of SharePoint 2007, now I would like to use it for 2010 and modify it a little bit, my question is: where would I be able to find a source ...
Shkipper's user avatar
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Suggested way to deploy Moss 2007 custom solutions in SharePoint 2010

I am working on Moss 2007 to SharePoint 2010 Migration. We have a custom master page deployed as feature. We are using database attach-detach method for migration. 1. How do I deploy custom solutions ...
MSiri28's user avatar
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how to deploy .wsp to all servers in the Sharepoint 2007 Farm

What is the stsadm -o command for deploying .wsp solution file into all servers in the SharePoint 2007 Farm? My second question is: How i can check with already deployed .wsp solution if it is ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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How to export .wsp solution files from SharePoint 2007 Farm

I want to download/export all .wsp solution files from SharePoint 2007 farm in order to deploy them again on new environment. How can i export or download .wsp files? I don't want to extract .wsp ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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Upgrading solution 2007 from the 2010 package

I have a small issue or a big one ... So I have a SharePoint 2007 where a solution build in visual studio 2008 is deployed. Recently i've started to develop in 2010, i converted the solution to the ...
Shkipper's user avatar
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How do you deploy a custom web service within a WSP file?

I can deploy my assembly in a wsp to our MOSS 2007 server but I can't seem to find any information about how to automatically deploy my .asmx, disco.aspx and wdsl.aspx files at the same time. Is this ...
John_'s user avatar
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Adding and Deploying Multiple solutions in SharePoint 2007

I have got around 10's of webpart solutions that I need to add and then deploy to all web applications, I would prefer if someone can share easiest way of doing it.
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
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WSP Builder copies dlls to solution regardless of "Copy Local" property set to False or not

I have a Custom timer job that references few custom dlls, now if I set copy local property of these dlls to false, it stills adds them and when I deploy solution it forces them into Gac. Is there ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
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I have a site Template , I want to create another site template based on this template but using different Master Page

I have a Site Template A .wsp file, I want to create another Site Template B based on Site Template A but I want it have a different Master Page. I know how to do it in a site definition but I dont ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
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How to create a WSP file without using wspbuilder for Site Definition

I have a folder with following structure, I wonder how can I create a wsp file for it, and it deploy the site definition for me, structure - XML - -> ONET.xml - default.aspx - MasterPage....
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
4 votes
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Making a cab file with ddf (to create a wsp solution package)

I am trying to Create a ddf file for my custom list feature using tutorial given in this link Create a wsp using ddf but in this link there isn't enough Information like what is the directory ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
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Error Deploying Solution - returns The feature path 'myfeaturename' must be of the form 'directory/feature.xml'

Let me start out by saying I'm sure WSP builder or STSdev is the way to go, but I can't use those where I work, so I'm having to do this all manually. So here's where I am. I have created a simple ...
rgwaldron's user avatar
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SharePoint 2007, WSP solution is not deploying to Global Assembly Cache

I have a standard WSP package with a single assembly that is deployed to the GAC. We have 2 versions of packages, both with the same assembly version and assembly file version. Version 1 installs ...
Russell's user avatar
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Multiple workflows in a sharepoint feature

Really simple - I'm wondering if it's possible to pack multiple custom workflows in a single wsp-solution/feature. I thought I could just create the workflows, and then add multiple instances of ...
Dynde's user avatar
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SharePoint list template repackaged, forms now unavailable (“cannot get ghost document”)

I had a SharePoint solution with a number of features packaged inside. I can't list them here, but it looked something like this: Features (Scope): (Site) MyDocument Content Type (Site) Log List ...
Ben Collins's user avatar
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DWP file is not updated in the web part gallery by the stsadm upgradesolution command

I am trying to update a DWP file in the web part gallery by using stsadm upgradesolution. Here is what I am doing: Created a web part, put it in feature, packaged it in solution by WSPBuilder, ...
Namwar Rizvi's user avatar
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How to deploy a LOT of solutions between SharePoint 2007 and 2010 Farms

Right now we're moving from a SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 farm, my current list of solutions implemented in the 2007 farm numbers somewhere in the 100's. A few ideas I had for moving them ...
tekiegreg's user avatar
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WebPart not registered as safe

I have a webpart that is part of a larger solution, deployed as a WSP using WSPBuilder. I can see the SafeControl entry in the web.config and can see that the assembly has deployed to the GAC. The ...
Mike H's user avatar
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Problems with WSP Deployment

We have a server farm that is having issues deploying WSPs. The odd thing is that the server goes through all the motions of deploying the WSPs with no errors. That is, the job is scheduled ...
MBSurf's user avatar
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What is best practice for deploying third party SharePoint 2007 solutions?

I want to know what to look for and what to do (both from a developer and IT admin point of view) before installing a third party solution into a SharePoint 2007 farm? Is there a checklist that I ...
2 votes
3 answers

InfoPath form status stuck on "Installing"

I have followed many of the recommended practices to install an InfoPath form that needs Administrative approval (see this link). However, I am still unable to see the form finally complete it's ...
Mike T's user avatar
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How can I compare WFEs to ensure a WSP was deployed succesfully?

I'm a sharepoint 2007 administrator. We are running with two WFE and deployed a wsp package recently, we suspect that the deployment was not completely successful. we would like to compare the WSPs ...
Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Deploying all components of an InfoPath form plus managed code as a solution

Has anyone successfully packaged up an InfoPath form solution with the following features? Custom site columns for properties promoted from form Custom content types to be associated with form ...
Alex Angas's user avatar
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