- 2 App
- 2 WFE
- 1 DB
C2WTS account- domain\AppPool (Log on as service/act as OS/Impersonate auth policy on all 4 servers)
IIS Kernel mode - off
Delegation for the all four servers:
Using UDC Connection (also tried without):
<udc:Authentication><udc:SSO AppId='InfoPathUDC' CredentialType='Kerberos' /></udc:Authentication>
SPN for domain\appool
I'm trying to get external data to query correctly inside InfoPath forms as a data connection with Kerberos (to bypass the doublehop), which is a web service from another server. I haven't had this working, however it was working correctly in 2007 (due to classic mode). Not sure what the deal is here, but I keep getting unauthorized (401) or , and I'm assuming it's due to the claims token. Any ideas?