I would like to have a tool that is an equalent to AutoSPInstaller, but for configuring the most used out-of-the-box features.

It would do the following:

  • Create sites
  • Upload term set and configure navigation
  • Create List and libraries
  • Deploy webtemplates and WSP's
  • Setting masterpages
  • Adding webparts and pages

Question is: How would you go ahead and build this tool?

  1. Like AutoSPInstaller (a GUI that creates a XML file, that acts as input to a powershell script)
  2. A Winform using CSOM
  3. Provided hosted app using CSOM, JSOM
  4. SharePoint hosted app using JSOM
  5. Powershell / CSOM mix like this project which actually does a lot of the things I'm looking for

The disadvantage of number 1 is that it seems to be a bit limited what can be done using sharepoint online commands.

It might be that this tool already exist - if so please let me know!!!

Thanks for any hints or direction on how to implement this


Lars Erik