I am using the javascript object model on the master page to fetch user profile properties.
Do I need to use the foll. script tags for the code to work or are they optional?
<SharePoint:ScriptLink ID="ScriptLink1" name="SP.js" runat="server"
ondemand="false" localizable="false" loadafterui="true" />
<SharePoint:ScriptLink ID="ScriptLink2" name="<SharePoint:ScriptLink ID="ScriptLink1" name="SP.js" runat="server"
ondemand="false" localizable="false" loadafterui="true" />
<SharePoint:ScriptLink ID="ScriptLink2" name="SP.UserProfiles.js" runat="server"
ondemand="false" localizable="false" loadafterui="true" />" runat="server"
ondemand="false" localizable="false" loadafterui="true" />
My code works when I remove them, it also works with them but sometimes it gives 'runtime error'. Just want to know if it is safe to remove them. This msdn link specifies we have to use them on the application page. Can we do away with it on master page?