I have a question which I'm not sure can be achieved. Take note that I'm not a SharePoint Search specialist. We have multiple content sources. Everything is running fine.
Recently, we added a new site which is massive (1.5TB!), and unfortunately we need to crawl the content (just once every few months as the data is static). My problem is that once I start a full crawl of this site, it kills the other content sources incremental crawls which HAS to run every 10 minutes and normally finishes in about 5 minutes.
We have other servers available where I can add more crawl components, but as far as I know, that won't solve the problem, it will just alleviate it a bit by bringing down the crawl times.
How can I specify that Server 1 should be responsible for Content Source 1 and Server 2 the rest. Is that possible? Also note that we have Fast Search, but I'm not sure if that can solve the problem either. Any feedback would be appreciated.