I am trying to create a workflow with sharepoint designer and the new sharepoint 2013 workflow option, however I got this: The option for the Sharepoint 2013 workflow platform is not available because the workflow service is not configured on the server
I have followed all steps here to install workflow manager, and workflow manager tools: http://levalencia.wordpress.com/2014/02/19/installing-sharepoint-2013-workflowmanager-and-workflowmanager-tools-in-an-offline-environment/
Then I configured it by following this:
All steps were correct, no errors.
I tried restarting the server as mentioned here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sharepoint/en-US/2c260d6a-34e8-43b5-805c-1f1f00c88563/sharepoint-designer-2013-workflow-platform-is-not-available?forum=sharepointcustomization
Still issue is not solved.
In central admin, on manage service applications, it says: Workflow is Connected in IIS, the new website and app pools are all started.
One thing is that I made the register-spworflowservice with localhost instead of the servername, is that maybe the issue? please note I am not using SPD from inside the server, but from outside it.
Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite http://myintranetdomain.com -workflowHostUri http://localhost:12291/ -AllowOauthHttp
cmdlet by adding the-Force
attribute. It will overwrite the existing configuration. This time, you can put in the server name instead of localhost