I am having a hard time with Sharepoint auditing right now.
We have a couple of web sites that are keyed to the WSS_Content Content Database. There are two main applications running right now. One of them is just a document library, and another is a little bit more sensitive so we thought we could use auditing to see who was viewing what.
The issue is, that over the past year or so the AuditData table has grown to over 10 GBs, which is more than half of the total database size! This didn't make much sense to me, so I did a little digging. It appears as though we are chewing these about 45k records a day in the Audit Data, but the ratio between what I would consider a 'Real User' and that is audited under 'Sharepoint/System' is about 1:200.
Why does Sharepoint/System have so many records in the AuditTable table?