I have developed a Cloud App for SharePoint 2013 on an office 365 server, and I figured out that to set the user permissions(who has access to it) for that app can be find over https://sharepoindomain/sites/mysitecollection/MyAppName/_layouts/15/user.aspx
In there I can see and manage the user permissions access and stuff like edit and read and everything exclusively for my app.
So if I see that in there i thought there was a way to get them through the Rest API or JavaScript CSOM so I started looking on https://sharepoindomain/sites/mysitecollection/MyAppName/_api/web
and then I found a method named SiteUserInfoList
I accessed to it like this: https://sharepoindomain/sites/mysitecollection/MyAppName/_api/web/SiteUserInfoList/items
And it seems to mee that this was the right area for getting the user permissions for that app but I don't know if I'm correct because when I added a user, and after that I deleted it , it still shows the deleted user on the SiteUserInfoList/items, I noticed that every user has a Property Called Deleted which is boolean but even if its added or deleted, the user still shows when the Deleted Property as False.
So that's why I have double thoughts about this and I don't know if I'm in the wrong way.
I basically want this to show or hide a link in some page over the https://sharepointdomain/sites/mysitecollection/
according to if the current user has permission to properly access to that sharepoint app
is it possible?
Thank you so much for your help