Is there any syntax that when wrapped around content, automatically builds a table of contents towards the top of the wiki, similarly to how the Media Wiki works? I am using SharePoint 2013.

3 Answers 3


Recently I updated my Add navigation table to wiki page solution to support multiple levels and SharePoint 2013.

The new solution is a configurable jquery plugin and is documented in the blog post Revised: Table of Contents for Wiki Pages


There is no OOTB capability in SP 2013 that will let you have a table of contents from a selected portion of content, however there are some nifty workarounds available mentioned below you can try it out.

Add navigation table to wiki page

SP 2010 workaround, should be valid for 2013


I've got a simpler solution that requires no deployment at all: just add a UserCustomAction with a ScriptLink by running the following in the browser developer tools console:

var sp = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var uca = sp.get_web().get_userCustomActions().add();
uca.set_scriptBlock('{ \
function addWikiToC() {\
    var contentContainer = $(\'#contentBox div.edit-mode-border\'), \
        tocContainer = $(\'.ewiki-slink\');\
    tocContainer.append(\'<div id="pageTOC" style="margin-top:1.1em; width:250px;"><strong>Table of Contents</strong><div id="pageTOC-UL"></div></div>\');\
                    .each(function () {\
                        $(\'#pageTOC-UL\').append(\'<div style="padding-left:\'+this.tagName.replace(/h/ig,\'\')+\'em"><a onclick="javascript:$(\\\'#s4-workspace\\\').animate({scrollTop: \'+($(this).offset().top-80)+\'}, 1000)">\'+$(this).text()+\'</a></div>\');\

In this rudimentary form it only works on all enterprise wiki pages with the social rating box and builds a sequence of indented div elements below it, but it's very easy improve by changing selectors for contentContainer and styles for entries below pageTOC-UL.

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