SharePoint 2013 new farm that was created using the autospinstaller scripts. It is installed with August 2013 CU.
When a user navigates to his Doc Library in his Mysites (Skydrive pro) link, he is not able to add any documents or view document library settings. On logging in as admin to that site, I found out that the 'Documents' library in MySites (which is 'SkyDrive Pro' link) has unique permissions and is not inheriting permissions for the personal site collection.The unique permissions are empty, there is no permission to anybody. I changed it to inherit from the parent site and it worked fine for that user after that. I found this odd, so I checked this for few other personal sites and found the same issue.
Why is this happening that the Skydrive Pro library is having unique permissions ?
Is there any setting in the MySite host or anywhere else that does this ? or a bug in August CU ?