This is happening for the past 2 days.
I have a web application running on port 80.
When I create a new web application for My Site on port 8080, my port 80 web app stops working and shows "500 internal server error"
I found out that it's because the new My Site web app makes changes in web.config which causes the web app on port 80 to stop working.
I created My Site web app twice and both times this happened. Why is this happening?
Here's more detail about my setup.
I have two WFEs.
WFE1 = WFE2 =
Both are being load balanced using following:
mylb =
When I created first web application on port 80 I gave the host header as "mylb" which is name of my load balancer with IP as mentioned above.
So basically I can access my first web app as follows which is fine:
Then first time I created 2nd web app for My Site on port 8080 but I didn't give any host header so it used the default computer name for that web app. This caused my first web app to stop working which turns out was because of changes in web.config done by My Site web app.
Then I restored web.config from backup and 1st web app started working.
Then I created My Site web app again and this time I entered "mylb" as host header with port 8080 but again same problem occured so I had to restore web.config again to make 1st web app work.
How do I create new web app for My Site? Can I create it on same port i.e. 80 rather than 8080? If yes then do I need a different host header name which will basically be an A record in DNS?