I am using SharePoint 2010. We have setup Document Sets to collect contracts from Clients. The Document Set name is a short version of the client name (no special characters, etc). On the document set I have a shared field for the Client Legal Name and the ID of the client, which passes down to the documents. Everything is working great.

Our contract admin wants an email when a new document is updated or created by an person. I would like to include a link to the Document Set so she can view all of the contract documents for the client.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible?

2 Answers 2


Yes, this is very easily possible. There are a couple of ways that you can do it.

The Easy Way

Create a SharePoint Deesigner based workflow that fires whenever an item changes or is created. Compose the string for your email message and include the URL to the document set. Use the Send an Email action to send your email. You should probably not send it to the person's email address but to either a group or a distribution list, even if there is only one recipient listed.

The Advanced Way

Create a VisualStudio SharePoint Solution of type EventReceiver. This will be a list-item based event receiver that will fire on ItemCreated and on ItemUpdated. Since I am not certain of your skill level, I am going to leave this as is. If you would like a better explanation, I will add more detail. But at the very least you should know that this is a possibility.

  • Thanks for the information Robert. I guess I was not clear as to what I was looking for. I have the email working fine and it links to the documents. What I am looking for is a link to the Document Set (folder). I don't see how to specify the folder name. mysite.com/Contracts/[folderNameHere]
    – Karin
    Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 12:59
  • Robert - I guess today is a new day and my brain is working a bit better. I got it: The URL should be: mysite.com[%Current Item:Path%]
    – Karin
    Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 13:19

The URL to get to the folder is to use the Path of the Current item. So the following does work: http://mysite.com[%Current Item:Path%] . You don't need the / after the site because it is included in the Path.

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