I was toying around with the Application Initialization IIS feature, and something strange appears to have happened. I was making some edits to the applicationConfig file per the MSDN instructions but couldn't seem to get it working. I rolled back everything I had done, but now all of my web application prompt me with the Access Required screen, even when logged in as Farm Admin. I tried changing the site collection admin to a different user account, but that account also gets the access required page.
I can still access the CA, but it doesn't seem like I can do much from here to fix the problem. I tried using stsadm to unlock one of the web applications but I still am hitting the access required screen. Event logs are spotless as well, so I am confused as to what had happened.
I should also note I had to restore a backup of the "master" table in the Sharepoint DB this morning due to a bad program deciding that was a good place to put all of its new tables. All other aspects of SQL seems to be working OK though.
Even our Portal site that utilize FBA will present the Access Required page once good FBA credentials have been passed to it. Even stranger is that I can still access the site from SharePoint Designer, and view the membership lists. They still contain all the correct user accounts.
If I create a new site collection under any of my existing web applications I can log right into it. However, after a few moments then the new site will lock me out as well!