I am using the example from Laura Rogers book, Infopath Step By Step. I have built my form and Workflow identical to hers (so I thought) Here is the workflow:
Step 1
Set Variable: FormLink to <a href="[%Workflow Context:Current S...
If Form Status not equals Rejected
and Form Status not equals Completed
Email John Smith
Else if Form Status equals Completed
Email Current Item:Created By
Else if Form Status equals Rejected
Email Current Item:Created By
When I submit the form for the first time the form status is changed to Manager Approval and I receive the email asking to approve the form.
When I open the form and approve the first level and click submit on the form, the form status changes to VP Approval but no email is sent even though the workflow says is has completed.
When I go into the form and approve it on the second level and click submit on the form, the form status changes to Completed and an email is sent to the Current Item: Created By (which is me).
Why is an email not being sent on the second level but the form status?