You can use NuSOAP, a SOAP Toolkit for PHP, to connect to SharePoint. With that reference, in your PHP solution, you can read SharePoint list items or create new list items from PHP. The following code example comes from David Dudok de Wit's blog on creating list items:
// Requires the NuSOAP library
$username = 'yourUsername';
$password = 'yourPassword';
$rowLimit = '150';
/* A string that contains either the display name or the GUID for the list.
* It is recommended that you use the GUID, which must be surrounded by curly
* braces ({}).
$listName = "TempList";
* Example field (aka columns) names and values, that will be used in the
* CAML query. The values are the attributes of a single list item here.
* If the field name contains a space in SharePoint, replace it
* here with _x0020_ (including underscores).
$field1Name = "Title";
$field2Name = "Address";
$field3Name = "Premium_x0020_customer";
$field1Value = "John Smith";
$field2Value = "USA";
$field3Value = "1";
/* Local path to the Lists.asmx WSDL file (localhost). You must first download
* it manually from your SharePoint site (which should be available at
$wsdl = "http://localhost/phpsp/Lists.wsdl";
//Basic authentication is normally used when using a local copy a the WSDL. Using UTF-8 to allow special characters.
$client = new nusoap_client($wsdl, true);
//CAML query (request), add extra Fields as necessary
$xml ="
<UpdateListItems xmlns=''>
<Batch ListVersion='1' OnError='Continue'>
<Method Cmd='New' ID='1'>
<Field Name='$field1Name'>$field1Value</Field>
<Field Name='$field2Name'>$field2Value</Field>
<Field Name='$field3Name'>$field3Value</Field>
//Invoke the Web Service
$result = $client->call('UpdateListItems', $xml);
//Error check
if(isset($fault)) {
echo("<h2>Error</h2>". $fault);
//extracting the XML data from the SOAP response
$responseContent = utf8_decode(htmlspecialchars(substr($client->response,strpos($client->response, "<"),strlen($client->response)-1), ENT_QUOTES));
echo "<h2>Request</h2><pre>" . utf8_decode(htmlspecialchars($client->request, ENT_QUOTES)) . "</pre>";
echo "<h2>Response header</h2><pre>" . utf8_decode(htmlspecialchars(substr($client->response,0,strpos($client->response, "<")))) . "</pre>";
echo "<h2>Response content</h2><pre>".$responseContent."</pre>";
//Debugging info:
//echo("<h2>Debug</h2><pre>" . htmlspecialchars($client->debug_str, ENT_QUOTES) . "</pre>");