SP 2010 Workstation = Win7 x64, Office 2010 x64, Office 2007 DataConn Components x32, MSIE 9 x32
I am trying to edit the metadata properties of several files in datasheet view. Datasheet view opens successfully, and my data is displayed correctly, and the selection dropdowns are editable and appear ok as well.
The problem comes after I have made my changes (even 1 change to 1 row). The yellow diamond appears, but it doesn't have any information in the reason / explanation line. It only asks me to re-try or discard. No other information like access denied, read only, connect to server etc..)
I am experienced in systems, but not a SharePoint expert. I've followed some TN articles and other suggestions with no effect. Can anyone see anything wrong with my workstation environment, or has seen this before?