Part 1. I'm attempting to add a floating DIV within a SharePoint form. The description within the DIV is critical for filling out the form correctly and must be viewable at all times. So, as the user scrolls down the form, the description remains visible. I have a rough working model using straight javascript and window.onscroll. Now, I would like to implement a good jQuery solution for this as I've done before with ordinary web pages. Here's my question:
- Where in SharePoint do I put jQuery files so that they can be referenced by any list form?
Part 2. The directions at this URL showed me how to
(1) create a new custom form (e.g. NewForm1.aspx), make changes and then
(2) associate the custom form with the New item.
All seems to ge well until I check the list again. That's when I notice that NewForm1.aspx is NOT associated with the list. List Properties show that NewForm.aspx is still associated with the list. This is indeed so because I can alter the URL for the page, replacing "NewForm" with "NewForm1" and see the difference. Note: I'm using SharePoint Designer an a SharePoint 2007 site. I'm modifying the site remotely.
- Why doesn't my attempt at list association work? I have all rights to the site.
Thanks in advance for any help with these issues,