I hope this is the right place to post my question.

I am looking for a way to centrally store and manage passwords for different applications and users within our company. These are not windows-accounts but shared accounts (example : application ERP uses SQL-account John with password Doe to connect to SQLServer SQL2005) The goal is to provide our developers with a central location where they can find which account/password to use to what ends.

According to MoSCoW:

  • M: All developers can read existing records.
  • S: Only specific developers should be able to edit records.
  • C: All developers can insert new records.
  • W: Data is partitioned: what records are visible is decided per developer/group
  • W: Records can be retrieved using a webapi

What would be the best way to do this? A sharepoint list? A specialized app you can recommend me? An Excel-sheet protected with a password? (ugh!)

We are now using Sharepoint Online and are on the verge of migrating to Sharepoint Online 2013.


1 Answer 1


While SharePoint might not be the perfect solution for storing passwords, it is certainly possible to do this in a custom list (like managing any other info).

  • M: break role inheritance on list/site, remove unwanted readers/contributors/owners and give security group containing Developers read permissions
  • S: give selected developers (or security group containing these) contributor access
  • C: create a custom permission level "Add only" that gives access to add but not edit and assign this to specific users or a security group (this has been asked before)

  • W1: Not entirely sure what you mean, but if this means that some list items should have special read permissions, just break role
    inheritance on them and assign special read/edit permissions.

  • W2: In SPOL 2013 you have access to lists using REST. You could pass this link to your developers.

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