I have the following inside my publishing site:-
- 5 enterprise Wikis sub sites.
- For each sub-site I have defined unique security groups on who can read, contribute, have full control on each such sub site.
But currently I need to grant certain authenticated customers the permsion to only view specific Wiki articles pages, so I follow these steps:-
- Go to the desired wiki page.
- Click on Edit.
- Go to “Page permission”
But I was redirected to the subsite permission groups , so if I define a new restricted read group and I assign the external customer to it, then the external customer will have restricted-read permission on all the sub site articles which I want to avoid, as I need him to only read specific Wiki page.
Second problem I am facing is that to be able to create new group on the sub site or page level, I have to stop inheriting permissions from parent site. So why I cannot create new group at the sub site level or at the document level unless I stop inheriting permissions from parent site?