I have a sharepoint 2010 portal. I have a farm, with inside of it some site collections. One of these site collections ok. I would like to create a new site collection and restore a backup of the old site collection. How can I do this?


4 Answers 4


The best way to do this is via SharePoint 2010 Management Shell: http://www.bradleyschacht.com/backup-and-restore-sharepoint-2010-site-collection-with-powershell/

Or you can take a backup of Site Collection in Central Administration tool and restore it using Management Shell/PowerShell: http://blogen.siderys.com/2010/02/how-to-do-backup-and-restore-in.html


There is not just one way to do this and you could use custom tools. BTW some useful links:

Backup and recovery overview (SharePoint Server 2010)

Plan for backup and recovery in SharePoint Server 2010


I have already answered the same question several times...

Try o see this one.

Hope it helps you,



You can use stsadm or directly bacpup-spsite command from powershell.

run as admin mode

for more info pls check Site collection Backup and restore command

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