I have a .aspx page and a .aspx.cs page. These were created in VS. I've copied the solution folder to SharePoint using SPD. When browsing the page I get an error
Parser Error Message: The codefile attribute on the page directive is not allowed in this page. I've looked around on the web and found 3 possible ways. The first seems over-complex. Are options 2 or 3 possible. Have tried oprion 2 but doesnt appear to work.
Ive seeen Andrew Connells blog: http://www.andrewconnell.com/blog/articles/UsingCodeBehindFilesInSharePointSites.aspx
I've seen another article referring to changing the web.config file to run the code behind:
Is it possible to use inheritance instead? http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointdevelopmentlegacy/thread/87604ae8-72eb-404f-9ea1-2692038f36f5
Hope someone can help on this.