I want to access list items from a SharePoint 2010 site in a HTML application (not connected to the SharePoint site).

My approach is to use SharePoint web services by passing user credentials through JavaScript or JQuery.

I know I need to use _vti_bin/lists.asmx to access list items and _vti_bin/authentication.asmx to authenticate, but some how I am not able to put things together and make it work.

Can I get some directions?

Good to know: My SharePoint site is not accessible to anonymous users.

1 Answer 1


SharePoint Client Object Model will allow you to use a more standard api to connect to SharePoint from off the server. There is also a version for C# if your "HTML" is a aspx site as well.

  • yes i know we can do with SharePoint Client Object Model,but my requirement is to use java script & my html application is not an aspx site,i cant use C#..
    – Harisha P
    Commented Apr 22, 2013 at 4:48
  • Did you go to the link? Also "There is also a version for C#" the link I gave you is for the JAVASCRIPT version of CSOM. Commented Apr 22, 2013 at 11:56

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